PickeringPost: According to Egypt’s TV14 network, Obama had secretly transferred eight billion dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood, not the Egyptian Government, as payment to guarantee that a large portion of the Sinai Peninsula would be turned over to the terrorist organisation Hamas, an enemy of both the United States and Israel.

White House National Security Council spokeswoman at the time Bernadette Meehan, declined to comment on this secret directive that was discovered following the overthrow of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Leader, Morsi. When asked, Meehan said, “We have nothing for you on this”.

The directive outlines why the US Administration had chosen the Muslim Brotherhood which is widely accepted as a terrorist organisation by the US, Israel, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.

The secret agreement was signed by deposed president Mohammed Morsi and his second in command, Khairat el Shater.  MORE


  1. obama policies of funding and arming Islamic terrorists is ignored, covered up and Not reported by the complicit main stream media. It has happened for years.
    Major Media IS NOT non-partisan, fair or balanced. It parrots and generates propaganda pabulum for the low information voters, sheople and the progressive/socialist/marxist/communist base of the Democrat party. Media, government, partisan propagandists working together to establish their agenda of power and control.

  2. No surprise. What do you think that secret meeting between the state department and the muslim brohood was about? It’s obvious from obama’s actions that he works for the muslim brohood. His mission was to deliver Libya, Egypt, Syria and Iraq to the muslim brohood.
    He succeeded with Libya. Almost succeeded with Egypt but the Egyptian people were smarter than he anticipated. He’s been trying to deliver Syria and they almost had Iraq but ISIS got in there first.

  3. I’m hearing people on radio asking how can Obama keep getting away with this blatant act and still have high approval numbers.

    Can’t they figure out that the people running the polls are the very biased, lying MSM or Ithe liberal entities.

    As with all of the Obama numbers, economic, jobs, GDP, and his approval, ALL are what his administration says they are!

    Corruption, betrayal and putrification permeate this American Trojan Horse.

  4. That prick has more cards up his sleeves that he will be using before the white house doors hit him in the arse. 0bama is an enemy to America and Israel. He is the best friend islamic terrorists have ever had.

  5. In Islam there are two concepts, taqiyya and kitmān, that YOU need to know and be aware of!

    Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie.

    In Islamic jurisprudence kitmān (كتمان “secrecy, concealment”) is a sub-field of Ḥiyal (the practice of deception or trickery), consisting of the art of making ambiguous statements, paying lip-service to authority while reserving personal opposition, in a kind of political camouflage or ‘reservatio mentalis’.

    Put another way, these muthafu*kers have a license to lie and deceive in order to further the cause of Islam. That describes 90% of what 0bama says and does.

  6. Was that paid in Euros, too, like the ransom money in January? Imagine the fleet of cargo planes needed to carry all that loot. Good thing Barky delivered before The EU killed the €500 note. That would be a helluva carbon footprint today.

    Speaking of the €500 note…


    “A suitcase full of cash may soon be worth a lot less. In a move aimed at hampering cash transactions by terrorists, drug dealers and money launderers, the European Central Bank on Wednesday announced an end to the €500 banknote…when it comes to moving money nefariously, the €500 note has been especially handy…”

    You don’t say.

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