What Does That Say? – IOTW Report

What Does That Say?


53 Comments on What Does That Say?

  1. I agree with Freeman. Looking at the last two letters on the other cheek, it looks like Child Support. It’s damned rough to read black on black though. Wish they would learn to use bright colors to make their ink stains legible.

  2. Saw one of those at a table at Olive Garden once. Didn’t help my appetite. They have to know they are showing their bare asses. At least the bros show their boxer shorts instead of their bare ass cracks.

  3. You guys seem to be feeling sorry for yourselves for having to have seen that display. Can you imagine the nightmares suffered by the poor tattooist?

  4. Reminds me of ol’ timey advertisements they used to paint on the sides of barns.

    That there is potential advertising space. Fer contraception products…or Johnson’s hay & feed…mebbe’ septic diggin or some such.

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