What do you guys think about … – IOTW Report

What do you guys think about …

having a thumbs up and a thumbs down feature for comments?

157 Comments on What do you guys think about …

  1. Do you know hard it is to find just ups???

    The best I can do is have a thumb up say like and then change the thumb down to read really like.
    So up and down will both be likes and really likes.

  2. BFH, so not allow these pricks to cause you to overthink this. (I’m kidding, pricks, just kidding.)

    I vote thumbs down to no thumbs down! Go easy on yourself and give us both.

  3. Thumbs up and down. What’s the deal you guys can’t handle negativity? Ya all
    Sound like a bunch of Fing liberals. Now wouldn’t you like to give me a thumbs down? LOL

  4. I like the TU only option.

    If you offer TD, people usually just thumb you down if they disagree and don’t say WHY they don’t agree. It’s too easy to TD someone and walk away. It’s better to say WHY you don’t like or don’t agree with what someone said and have discussions.

    You also end up with progtards coming over thumbing everything down like children. It gets old fast.

  5. Wow…did I take the brown acid…everytime I go to post a new comment, the interface changes…now we have “thumb way up”…interesting…must have another beverage as apparently, my hallucinations are affecting time and space at this point…or it could be the internet…

  6. Ok I got it!!!

    A lily if you like the comment.
    A daffodil if you really like the comment.
    A rose if you LOVE the comment.
    A pansy if you kinda agree with the comment…

  7. Started the above post with one style comment, finished with a second. Are you going to change the red TD graphic on the “Really Like” button? Too confusing if you do not.

  8. A cactus if you don’t like the comment
    A bouganvillea if you hate the comment
    A thistle if you want the person who made the comment to suffer boils…

  9. Fuck it. Don’t make no matter to me no how. I don’t like what Bad Brad says, I just tell him. Same goes for the others. I likes what they says I gives them a thumb up. The others, I jest ignore or say fuck off or somthin.’

  10. Loco, I’m impervious to Mex bad will. Neener Neener. On this very thread we have s troll banging on BFH for a miss spelled word. Really? BafH probably hasn’t seen his pillow in a while, totally in crisis mode and this critic wants to pull this shit? A thumbs down for the community can send a clear message

  11. Meerkat – The first reports I heard said a white guy did it, but some of the local news stations aren’t reporting that as a sure thing.

    I wonder if it could be a reverse Rachel Dolezal or simply a light skinned person of whatever lineage.

    And this will tell us how the reply works.

  12. Scumbag: Small-build white make, clean shaven, blue jeans, gray shirt, timberland-type boots, at large.

    AME Emmanuel Church, a black church founded nearly 2 centuries ago.

  13. The reason it turned red was because it was giving you the option to take your vote back.
    But no one else saw the red. It was just telling you you voted on that comment already.

  14. BFH – Can you just work on the site features as a full time thing from now on? It’s quite a lot of fun just watching it come back to life in front of my eyes.

    Excellent job all the way around

  15. Did you jump in a lake…last time I checked “e-talk daily” you were still functionally male so you couldn’t have experienced dampness…Joey Biden…is this you sockpuppeting again?

  16. I love that in the middle of the voting process I could write – This comment is idiotic! and just turn the entire thing on its head.

    Okay. What do people want the clickable box to say? We’re going to have to keep it that way.

    So, think carefully.

    People who liked this comment—>
    Thumbs up ——->
    Uptwinkles —–>
    Hear! Hear! —->
    Ditto ——>
    Golf Clap —–>

  17. Agreed. I can see trolls coming here to see how many thumbs down they can get as a sport.

    Also, Thumbs down lets the lefty lurkies be lazy and just TD instead of engaging in dialog. Who would know if it was trolls or regulars TDing? As it was, we knew the honest feedback from the need to post.

  18. Moe – I like the reply option. It keeps the thread more focused because it is a response to an existing comment. The “cancel reply” just lets you decide to delete your reply if you decide you don’t want to comment on the existing comment.

    I think it has the same option on the normal comment box that just says “cancel” or “cancel comment”.

  19. I’m so impressed with BFH and the IOTWr team keeping the website going after getting sabotaged, while making improvements at the same time – BRAVO!
    Keep just the thumbs up. It reflects the popularity of the comment and the thumbs down is not really necessary. The reply is nice and works well.

  20. One day I found out I could down thumb people repeatedly. So I did.
    OMG did they get pissed. Don’t let anyone tell you they can take multiple thumbs
    Down. They can not take it.
    Brad used to get super pissed.

  21. Moe – your comments were so worthy that the software knew to let you give yourself a thumbs up.

    And I have to agree with 99th that it is amazing that you were able to improve the site significantly while getting it up and running again in less than 48 hours.

    If I’m elected president, you’re in charge of IT for the federal govt. I hate to punish ya like that but it’s your patriotic duty.

  22. Yes, I really do like the Reply button!

    Sometimes when a person just comments about the story, the commenter above them thinks they are making a comment about what they just said.

    Reply might just save a Hatfield/McCoy thing happening…or start one!

  23. Great job Fur!

    Besides the Thumbs Up, there should be a Thumbs Down. However, the TD would not register. A small notation below with Vegas style flashing arrows would say “Scratch and Sniff” and Up Twinkle hands would pop up during rollover. This would keep a troll busy for hours! At least they would know what an LCD monitor smells like when you scratch through the surface…

  24. Definitely thumbs up with a count,
    like before. Also 5-minute edit to correct errors and improve readability. Can take or leave thumbs down (although there were times in the past when I REALLY wanted it).

    WOW – just discovered edit is back!
    Using it to add this P.S.
    Thank you, thank you!

    : )

  25. TU and TD aside for the moment, the “Edit” feature saves one from looking like a total doofus many times *looks upward while whistling.*

    Remember when LIBTARDIAN DISQUS cancelled the negative vote (a down arrow) their service had? The majority believed it was because leftist comments, meant to sway the discussion, were being overwhelming panned. The poor dears were trying to CONTROL messages via coments and righties weren’t having any of it.

    I feel like a kindergartener at Breitbart; you’re not allowed to hurt anyone’s feelings, so therefore, the down arrows don’t register. I guess they’re still there to make you feel better when you vehemently disagree and mash one down – even though it doesn’t register.

  26. Ricky,
    we were blown up on Tuesday.
    There was no site, nothing, nada, a ghost- wait, not even a ghost.
    Our server in Canada decided to go postal and blew up his little piece of the internet.
    In a fit of anger and adrenaline and divine intervention, I got this site up and running within hours.
    But I had to rebuild it from scratch, a shell template.
    The commenting system was built by someone other than me back in the day.
    Since there is no previous server I have no idea what the system was.
    So we have this.
    I think it’s better.
    We have thumbs up, no downs.
    We have edit feature for readers, and we have reply nesting.

    Now if I could just get rid of this highlighted box around post author’s comments I’d be thrilled.

  27. Mr. Hat,
    Your efforts (and those who assisted you) have been Herculean – and I don’t mean that in any hyperbolic sense.

    Thank you.

    Why isn’t there a conservative server out there, somewhere?

    The “Conserver” so to speak? Is it expensive? What does it entail?

    (I’m a retired plumber, not an IT guy)

  28. Just remember, if you have TDs, the law of liberaldom requires you to maintain a “safe room” with puppies, rainbows, sippy cups of liberal Koolaid, and drum circles for the triggered ones.

    You’re a bold one, Mr. BFH, a veritable Phoenix rising from the ashes! Keep the faith.

    Your tenacity reminds me of a quote I saw while searching on a military database website. It is attributed to USMC Lt. Gen. “Chesty” Puller at Guadalcanal, “All right, they’re on our left, they’re on our right, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us…they can’t get away this time!”

  29. Nice job, Fur!
    I like this format better than the previous one. It seems simpler to navigate, with less distractions.
    I could do without the TD button, but maybe an Agree/Disagree option would be an acceptable alternative?

    I also like the Noteworthy Comment highlights.

    I find the page numbering system cumbersome.
    It is difficult to revisit an earlier post, because the page nos. change quite often.
    If the page numbers accrued from day one (rather than today’s date) this might work better.

    Keep up the good work- we rely on you!

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