Blacks Beat White Man to Death Outside Ferguson- Authorities Say NOT Racially Motivated – IOTW Report

Blacks Beat White Man to Death Outside Ferguson- Authorities Say NOT Racially Motivated

Daily Mail

A gang of teenagers used hammers to beat a man to death after they attacked his car early on Sunday morning in an apparently random attack. Zemir Begic was heading home from a bar in St Louis when a group of teenagers surrounded his car and began banging on it. The 32-year-old stepped out of the vehicle, only to be yelled at and set upon with hammers, striking him in the head, abdomen and face and leaving him fatally injured. The suspects are described as being a group of Hispanic and black males by the St Louis Post-Dispatch but Police Chief Sam Dotson stated the attack was not racially or ethnically motivated.


Another white guy was beaten by black guys with hammers only an hour before.

If not racially motivated, or a political statement, it just means these blacks are savages. So which is it?



29 Comments on Blacks Beat White Man to Death Outside Ferguson- Authorities Say NOT Racially Motivated

  1. It wasn’t racially motivated. It was specially motivated! The thought he was a different species. These poor teenage boys were victims of Hollywood fearmongering! They thought he was one of those True Blood/Twilight vampire things, and they were in fear for their lives!!!

    Either that or it was due to “Islamophobia” because he was Bosnian…

  2. I vote SAVAGES.
    Technically, it was 3 blacks and one hispanic.
    My greatest wincing came from all the earlier articles that just called them “teens.”

    I’m old enough to remember “mischevious youths.”

  3. Wouldn’t it be tragic if the STL Bosnian community slaughtered every street ape loose in a ten mile radius of their territory. Just think of the horror and carnage, the pursuant peace, quiet and safety. Gosh I pray the civil authorities put a stop to these hoodlums before that happens.

  4. If the feral ‘Yoots’ continue on this way they will soon long for the ‘Good old days’ before every Whitey in the country armed themselves, and developed a curious habit of shooting Black people who accost them

  5. Man, you should have seen the white people rioting in Akron after a black guy shot and murdered an unarmed off-duty police officer!

    Sick sarcasm aside, I guarantee you NO ONE in Ferguson or involved in the Ferguson idiocy has heard of, or would ever give a shit, about THIS story.


  6. Things will not go well if they start this type of behavior here.

    yeah, but they got the full weight of oblowhole’s “civilian” police force – just as well funded as America’s military – behind them, along with the entire kenyan’s security policies.

  7. I think maybe the Police Chief should be the one to resign in Ferguson. I guess the point has now been reached that if a black or group of blacks attacks/murders/tortures/rapes a white it can’t possibly be motivated by race thus the extra penalties voted in by guilt ridden liberal progressives can’t ever be invoked against our
    less intellectually gifted brothers. Oh, I forgot, we can’t be their brothers because of a lack of tannin and a surplus of IQ points.

  8. Hell, I’m pissed the white guy is such a moron. WTF was he thinking getting out of his car?

    Evidence his IQ was obviously too low to survive and breed:

    Could not figure out he could leave unharmed by pushing the gas pedal just a little freaking bit.

    Actually got out of his safety and into the death trap.

    No firearm and no common sense.

    White guy gets Darwin Award.

  9. Holder, Obama and Sharpton love this. As with the military, they shut down law enforcement, by tying their hands.

    It is past time for Congress the DO THEIR JOB and stop this tyrannical blitzkrieg. Flood the switchboards and email with protests and reminders that THEY are in jeopardy of not just being re-elected, but DISBANDED by this horror show of an administration.

  10. What is important to know is the victim is a member of the Bosnia community in St. Louis that immigrated legally here, became proud American citizens and have slowed the further destruction of the south side of St. Louis by the friends of Michael Brown in the north.

    Bosnian s came here fleeing the war with Serbians. They do not back down. They will take care of their own. They will march in the streets. They will take up arms to protect what is theirs.

    There is a photo in the Sunday Post Disgrace of a Bosnian man standing our side his car with a pistol in his hand, the caption is
    “A man pulls a gun on protesters who had blocked the road and starting beating on his car. Afterwards they scattered.”

  11. “If the feral ‘Yoots’ continue on this way they will soon long for the ‘Good old days’ before every Whitey in the country armed themselves, and developed a curious habit of shooting Black people who accost them.”

    Lazlo, I am unfamiliar with the English language.
    This “accost”, of which you speak,
    does it perhaps mean

  12. @Keyser Söze Great scene. The difference between Rorke’s Drift and today, is that the STL ‘hood-apes *aren’t worthy to lick the feet* of the brave, honorable Zulu warriors.

  13. @Skorpion

    That’s why they won’t go back to Africa, the real Africans will be waiting at the airport with machetes.

    With today’s modern weaponry, it will be a very short war.

  14. St. Louis is a SHIT HOLE! OK?

    I don’t blame the guy for being murdered by a bunch of feral negroes, I blame the feral negroes, who should be found and beaten to death with hammers, but … BUT … St. Louis is a SHIT HOLE and no human has any reason to visit.

  15. This is horrendous. I’m tired of these stories. And far more tired of having to pretend their, “random.” Feels like we are being intentionally driven to a tipping point. I can’t get my head around this Ferguson/Occupy attitude. Does not bode well for the country, or the world.

  16. Tim
    12/01/2014 at 4:44 pm

    St. Louis is a SHIT HOLE! OK?

    Hey Tim

    Something to ponder.

    After 65 years of Democratic rule, what would you expect any city to be, the Emerald City?

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