Tops in Counter Jihad – IOTW Report

Tops in Counter Jihad


3 Comments on Tops in Counter Jihad

  1. A quote from Ann’s e-mail to a musloid:
    I will NEVER, EVER, EVER submit to islam. I will fight islam with every fiber of my being for as long as I live because islam is pure satanic evil. If you are really serious about islam dominating the United States and the world, you are going to have to come through me. You are going to have to kill me. Good luck with that. And understand that if you or some of your musloid boyfriends do actually manage to kill me, The Final Crusade will officially commence five minutes later, and then, despite your genetic mental retardation, you will be made to understand with crystal clarity what the word “defeat” means. Either way, I win, so come and get it.

    Deo adjuvante non timendum-

    Ann Barnhardt

    I love that woman!


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