Chris Hayes’ sarcasm is a refreshing glimpse into the mind of a leftist –
@chrislhayes You should look in a mirror and say "Why am I so stupid"
— BarbieBean (@GotJellyBeans) June 23, 2015
You see, the confederate flag is racist, and what do racists say? They say “what about black on black crime?”
So, ipso facto, the leftist view is to not care about black on black crime, which is what the right has been saying about the left all along.
Thanks Chris!!
Anyone else confuse her with that dude, Rick Maddow?
‘Dem Duke Boys are going to have to retire the General now.
Perhaps someone should lynch Christopher Hayes to make up for black lynchings over a century ago?
Black on black crime is not racist, and it is therefore vulgar and insensitive to bring it up at any time. Everyone knows this.
The tragedy in North Carolina had nothing to do with a flag. The loss of the nine victims is horrific….BUT…every weekend in Chicago many more people are killed by black on black crime and Al, Barack and Jessie are silent because there’s no money in it.
I guess black lives only matter if they fit the narrative and are profitable.
That’s a pretty amazing revelation, coming from Hayes.
Chris Hayes is NOW neck and neck with Sheila Jackson Lee in the ‘Biggest Dope Ever” contest, CAN ANYONE CONFIRM?
I doesn’t matter what you do, it is racist. The dimwit lefties have their panties in a wad because the Shelby Police fed the murdering bastard a Burger King meal instead of killing him like the would do if he were black…so say the lefties.
I can promise you this though, if the Shelby police did kill him in a shoot out, his peeps from his neighborhood would NOT be looting a burning their local CVS!
BTW, the tiny Shelby jail does not have a kitchen….Didn’t Aunt Bea feed Andy’s “prisoners”?
What about white on white crime? If you want some extremely hateful and hideous crimes to pick from, this group of people needs inclusion.
I’ve always been amused by the Che Gueverra t-shirts that are offended by the Confederate flag.
Snort! Excellent point!
The annoying thing is that this bozo, guaranteed, has no idea that WHITES WERE LYNCHED for standing up for blacks as well.