Gay Guy In San Fran During Shooting – “I liked it better when they stayed away from us because they thought they could get AIDS” – IOTW Report

Gay Guy In San Fran During Shooting – “I liked it better when they stayed away from us because they thought they could get AIDS”

Who is “they”?

Statement at 2:49.

21 Comments on Gay Guy In San Fran During Shooting – “I liked it better when they stayed away from us because they thought they could get AIDS”

  1. I couldn’t make head nor tail of that video. But it doesn’t look healthy for the Republic. Much the same as everything else in the “news” these days. I’m growing very weary and getting tired of all this shit. But there is nowhere to run to. This is the last outpost.


  2. Sorry, Moe Tom, the Republic is quite dead. As Benjamin Franklin warned, we didn’t keep it. We are now a democracy, though not a very well functioning one.

    If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend Ann Coulter’s “Demonic”, which spells out the evils of mob rule.

  3. I liked it better when “they” the gays stayed away from us too. When AIDS first broke out, there was a guy who worked on the same floor as me. One day he came into work with sores all around his mouth. Seeping bloody oozing sores. It put management in an awkward position as no one wanted to get near him. He even had sores on his arms. He disappeared and we later found out that he died from AIDS. His cubicle stayed empty and no one got near it.

  4. OMG!!!!… It’s a homophobic republican tea bagger shooting up the place over gay marriage!!!…

    Oh… Wait… It’s some black guys… Never mind. Let’s sweep this under the rug. It doesn’t fit our narrative.

  5. Why should God help us when we’ve sacrificed 55 million children to Satan? Why should God help us when we make perversion the law of the land? Why should God help us when we elevate liars, murderers, and thieves to positions of authority?

    Maybe if we try to help ourselves, God will forgive us?

    Maybe …

  6. AvgDude 12. I love it. Great clip. Being a Harvaard grad who loves cock is not an achievement. It sort of comes with the degree. Most of them are lawyers and politicians and social scientists. Right?

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