Road Rage – IOTW Report

Road Rage

Pinko sent this in with the comment, “all this video shows me is that Evander Holyfield drives like an a$$hole.”

That’s exactly right.

This is another failed PSA. What is the message here? That you can be an moronĀ driver if you have the ability to beat the crap out of anyone who gets enraged by your horribleĀ driving?

Screen Shot 2015-07-04 at 11.24.53 AM

15 Comments on Road Rage

  1. Totally staged PSA. Evander is really a good guy.

    Message intended: Don’t participate in road rage. You never know who you’ll encounter. Could be a good guy like Evander, but will most likely be the guy (or gal) that puts your lights out.

  2. Did I mention when I’m riding my motorcycle I want to shoot people in the head? The ones finger fucking their phones. Too busy updating facebook to look outside their cars?

    Because I can see what you’re doing in there. You ain’t fucking paying attention to the road. You can’t keep your car in one lane. Drunks drive better.

    I’m stewing. Gonna’ quit satisfying myself kicking dents in their doors when they try to kill me because they can’t be bothered to actually pay attention to the ton and a half of hurtling steel they are controlling.

    I just might start shooting them in the head.

    Bet I can get away with it. Because nobody admits to seeing motorcyclists even when they run one over.

    I was never there, you see?

  3. This PSA has nothing to do with whether Evander Holyfield is a good guy or not.

    In the PSA the vehicle exits his driveway without looking, and if it wasn’t for the good driving by the other guy there’d be a wreck.
    What pisses off people, and cause them to stop and scream at these assholes, is that if you t-bone the car and kill a kid, for example, your life is OVER as you knew it.

    So the guy gets out and screams, which he should.
    The asshole driver gets out and intimidates the good driver.

    So, what’s the point of the PSA?
    Let shitty drivers be shitty drivers and cower.

    This sounds an awful lot like ‘Don’t draw Muhammad.”

  4. With all due respect, you can honk, you can yell, but you should NEVER get out of your car and chastise another driver in this situation, because (as the PSA points out) you don’t know who’s in the other car or what they (and that could be plural) are packing.

    Their road rage may trump your road rage. Lotsa people have been seriously hurt or killed doing that in this area of the country. In fact, people have been fired on just for HONKING at a bad driver.

    THAT’s the message this PSA is attempting to convey, however poorly.

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