Obama: ‘We Will Never Be at War With Islam’ – IOTW Report

Obama: ‘We Will Never Be at War With Islam’

Newsweek- On Monday afternoon, President Obama spoke at the Pentagon about the Islamic State, or ISIS, a terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq.

obama golf

Obama stressed all elements of American power were going toward fighting the organization. “Altogether, ISIL has lost over a quarter of the populated areas it had seized in Iraq,” the President said, using an alternative name for the terrorist group. “ISIL’s strategic weaknesses are real.” 

To stem the flow of foreign fighters into Syria and out of it, Obama said “all nations will need to do more, and we are starting to see some progress.” In March, United States Southern Command General John F. Kelly warned of ISIS fighters entering the U.S. from the Caribbean and other South American nations. Since then, the U.S. has vowed to share more intelligence to prevent such movement.

Speaking about the group’s influence worldwide, Obama noted that “ISIL’s ideology poses a great threat beyond the region.” Obama pointed to the attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and Libya. ISIS claimed responsibility for a terrorist attack at a hotel in Sousse, Tunisia, that left dozens of tourists dead. That same day, over 25 people were dead and 200 more injured at a mosque bombing in Kuwait City. ISIS also claimed responsiblity for this attack.   MORE

12 Comments on Obama: ‘We Will Never Be at War With Islam’

  1. Sorry Obama you muzzie loving POS but YES WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAM.

    Until we obliterate Islam from the face of the planet they will always be our most deadly enemy. We cannot be done with Obama soon enough. I LOATHE HIM! 😡

  2. If Obama’s delusional assessment of everything from radical Islam, border security, health care, the economy etc, were even half as good as the reality of the situation, he would go down in history as a great President instead of the curse on our nation that he truly is.

  3. BULLSHIT! Presidunce obummer is clearly delusional. Who else are we fighting, if they look like jihadi muslims and act like jihadi muslims they’re jihadi muzzies. Period, end of story. Will barrys head and all other delusional ostriches with their head up their asses explode if we play Slim Whitman music? Get your head head out of your ass barry this is real and not a fig newton of your imagination. As I’m writing this XM’s 60’s on 6 is playing The ballad of the Green Berets by Barry Sandler, coincidence, I think not.

  4. The American public is slow to wake up, but maybe they are. Some of us were warning about this muzloid before he ever got elected. Too much white guilt in this country. I don’t feel any guilt over something I had nothing to do with 200 years ago.

  5. By using the term “Levant”, 0bama is essentially pissing on Israel. Levant is the name of the entire area, sans Israel, as it is referred to by Muslims.

  6. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are live at the White House where it appears that…that…that…possibly ISIS muslims have breached the White House fence and are engaged in a fierce firefight with secret service agents and DC police….The president is safe in the bunker, and we now go live to the bunker for a live statement from the President!!!”

  7. Was expecting that when he started “dismissing” several hundred senior military officers (for refusing to issue orders to fire upon American citizens)

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