Blatant Double Standard – IOTW Report

Blatant Double Standard


In 2014, Chatwal pleaded guilty in a Brooklyn federal district court to arranging multiple straw donors in a lavish scheme to give tens of thousands of dollars into Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, plus funneling additional tens of thousands of dollars illegally into the federal campaigns of three other Democratic candidates between 2007 and 2011, including Sen. Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut.


The federal district judge sentencing Chatwal limited his punishment to three years parole, even after Chatwal admitted his goal in arranging the straw contributions to Democrats was to buy political influence in the White House and on Capitol Hill for himself and family, as well as for his many business associates, and numerous friends.

Today, Chatwal finds himself on parole, under a federal sentence that excused him from any prison time and included neither nighttime detention nor any requirement to perform any community service.

In contrast

D’Souza was sentenced to eight months of nighttime detention at a federal facility in San Diego and remains on parole now. But he also is being forced, until September 2019, to devote one day a week community service teaching English to Spanish-speaking applicants to be U.S. citizens.

What was D’Souza’s crime?

D’Souza pleaded guilty to a federal felony, admitting he uncharacteristically violated the law by convincing two associates to donate each to the unsuccessful Senate race of Wendy Long, a college friend.

Breaking campaign finance laws, D’Souza reimbursed to each of his two straw donors the $5,000 each had contributed, a misstep D’Souza could have avoided by contributing the $10,000 to a PAC supporting Long’s candidacy directly.


ht/ sam s

9 Comments on Blatant Double Standard

  1. Double standard? Like Chuck Berry going to jail for five months for tax evasion, but Obamas buddy Al Sharptongue is still slithering around, extorting white folks?

  2. The judge that gave this crook the three years is named Leo Glasser and was appointed by Reagan. He’s 91 years old and is still on the bench for god’s sake. The whole Chawal family are crooks always on the look for influence to buy then peddle to others.

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