Timing is Everything – IOTW Report

Timing is Everything

What if I told you the very same joke Donald Trump made about John McCain was already made a long, long time ago?

And what if I told you that this “comedian” currently holds office?



13 Comments on Timing is Everything

  1. “Hero” should be reserved for people who do “heroic” things. But in this “relativistic” world, “hero” means nothing. If Bruce Jenner and Michael Sams are “heroes” just by the simple fact that they’re both perverted headcases, then the turd I dumped this morning is a “hero” as is Pete, the goose, who chased a rabbit out of his compound.

  2. John McCain was once a Prisoner of War, no more no less. What he is now is a dreadful elected representatives of the people, no more no less! No hero in either of those two roles or the other hundreds that he has once been done or was or is!

  3. Oh boy, I served in the Army (not really on purpose I was drafted) and I have to admit that much of the time, based on the quality of officers, NCO’s and the all-powerful rule book (Uniform Code of Military justice), I felt almost like a POW. But now I will put all that behind me and will place behind my name with great pride and affection the appellation ‘Hero’!

  4. McCain should be recognized for holding up with courage and distinction against the N. Vietnamese torturers (which is why he has such difficulty today lifting his arms) and refusing early release so that those captured before him would be freed first.

    He should also be held responsible for a number of ills that have been allowed to fester for his 27 years as a Senator. For that record he should be retired back to his home state.

  5. Dr Tar is on to something. There really are two John McCains. The first was a navy pilot who strapped on an A-4 and went on missions for his country. This is the man who was captured and tortured for over five years yet didn’t break. As he was the son of an admiral he was singled out for “special” attention. This man is a hero, just as all his fell warriors are heroes.

    The other John McCain was created over several years back in the US after his service ended and he entered politics. This is where he fell in love with the power, perks and adulation of the press as a “maverick”. Over the years it’s just gotten worse and he no longer resembles in the slightest the young navy pilot he once was. He’ll pull that old rabbit out of the bag again and again though when is serves him (mostly from genuine conservatives who are asking legitimate questions about his performance). I hope he takes retirement although I’m not sure his ego could handle going from hero(?) to zero overnight. If he doesn’t retire then with luck a real, charismatic true conservative will enter the primary and crush his ass.

  6. “Didn’t Break?” The NVA had not one but TWO filing cabinets full of information provided by McCain! As for the A-4’s, what about the TWO he destroyed in training before finally being shot down (that made THREE)? If he wasn’t an Admiral’s son, he would have been cashiered at Annapolis were he finished LAST in his class! OK, I give him credit for surviving the Hanoi Hotel, but they KEPT him alive precisely because, as an Admiral’s son, he was a very valuable bargaining chip. If any call him hero from that time, I call him a traitor for his involvement in selling out this great nation for the last several decades!!!

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