Obama and Clinton Reading From the Same Tired Broken Nuclear Arms Script – IOTW Report

Obama and Clinton Reading From the Same Tired Broken Nuclear Arms Script

Idea by Menderman

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9 Comments on Obama and Clinton Reading From the Same Tired Broken Nuclear Arms Script

  1. Make that a Kenyan American and an Arkansas American! Both jerkwads practice the art of blackness (which also comes from a prepared script) and they both like to preach to the choir that old-time gospel of socialism, racism, and dependence (plus the selling out of America-one for money the other one for hate)!

  2. One boat in or around any US port could bring the rudest of all awakenings. The democrats have had a problem with figuring who our enemies are since WWII and they only knew then because someone like Winston Churchill was around to tell them.

  3. Bill Richardson and Playstations.
    Madeleine Not-So-Bright dances with Kim Jong Il.
    PRC and DPRK create and modify nuclear weapons programs.

    Lurch, TheObama, and Secretary Mushroom Head give away everything for the sake of making a name for themselves. And like those morons on COPS, these three should be tasered, arrested, and thrown away for a long time.

    Where is the video of Albright dancing?

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