Hippie Girl Says She is a Free Inhabitant of Earth and Doesn’t Have To Abide By U.S. Laws – IOTW Report

Hippie Girl Says She is a Free Inhabitant of Earth and Doesn’t Have To Abide By U.S. Laws

A ditzy, dirty, angry hippie, being detained during a traffic stop starts militantly bleating some ridiculous bullsh!t about not having to abide by U.S. law because she is a citizen of earth and not bound by “any corporations,” starts screaming rape when the cop handcuffs her.

She says she is entitled to all the rights afforded a U.S. citizen but is exempt from having to follow its laws. (This is what college professors who smoke too much weed do to students.)

The only thing that could have made this more entertaining is if the cop denounced his citizenship on the spot and shot her, with full impunity (according to her), in her goofy friggin head.

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32 Comments on Hippie Girl Says She is a Free Inhabitant of Earth and Doesn’t Have To Abide By U.S. Laws

  1. What a moron. Just using a little common sense, you have to know she was spewing pure bullshit. “A free inhabitant has all of the rights of a U.S. citizen with out following any of their laws.”

    Ri-i-i-ight. Like the cop said, that would be pure anarchy.

    I looked for the answer to this question in the youtube comments, but didn’t see it: How did “Long Time 2015” get this video to post, since it was taken by the idiotic woman, herself? At first I was amazed, because I thought she had posted it herself, and she looks so incredibly stupid. But it was obviously posted by someone unsympathetic to her. Just wondering how that happened.

  2. Man I wouldn’t do that hippie bitch with Tsunami’s dick. Of course that things just long enough to get the lint out of her belly button. But just sayen. Let the games begin. Hee Hee Hee.

  3. “This is completely illegal,” said the special snowflake to the cop.

    With 883 thumbs ups – it was totally worth it to hear that ignorant bitch go totally bat-shit and still lose.

    Of course, we live in the land of no ‘rule of law’ so she’ll probably come away with a huge chuck of money and the Medal of Freedom from Obama. Of course, the producing citizens of California will ultimately get the bill.

  4. That made my morning. I was wondering what her poor father must be thinking about all the money he wasted on her education? Then I realized “wait, what father?” and “Doh, it must be our money.”

  5. She’s absolutely correct.

    We are currently infested by 13 million illegal invaders who claim all the rights and privileges of Citizenship while refusing to follow the laws of the land.

    And they have the tacit consent of the President, DoJ, Congress, and the Supreme Court.

    If she can prove she’s illegally here, the cop’s in deep shit.

  6. Actually, most free inhabitants are not left wingers. Most are antigovernment right wingers like Cliven Bundy, who has espoused this philosophy many times. That may be uncomfortable, but it’s the truth. As a police officer I’ve dealt with several of these morons.

  7. It’s called a “Mirror” when you download a video then re-up it. Someone caught wind of how stupid this woman was then mirrored her video anonymously.

    Also while the articles of confederation and “free inhabitants” are real, her interpretation of them is not. The AoC was superseded by the U.S. Constitution, and free inhabitants weren’t immune to the law, just discrimination (under a different name). That way foreign traders wouldn’t fear we would take all their trade goods then expel them. That we would actually trade with them.

    On a foot note, I’m seeing a disgusting amount of projection from the conservatives. Yes, there are idiots like this woman out there, yes she probably identifies as Democrat (because she doesn’t know what communism is), but that doesn’t mean everyone on the left acts like this. Similarly, not everyone on the right shoots themselves in the thigh, gives UZIs to 5 year olds, and spends 14% of their work days on vacation (and/or collecting unemployment checks while watching Nascar and drinking beer.)

  8. While the articles of confederation and “free inhabitants” are real, her interpretation of them is not. The AoC was superseded by the U.S. Constitution, and free inhabitants weren’t immune to the law, just discrimination (under a different name). That way foreign traders wouldn’t fear we would take all their trade goods then expel them. That we would actually trade with them.

  9. Yes but to be fair, Bundy wouldn’t claim “RAPE!” if you tried to cuff him, he’s probably curse you out and try to get God to smite you down while one of his relatives runs for a rifle.

  10. Wow! Why do some people have to divide up everything into Liberal vs. Conservative and then come to the conclusion that, if I don’t like someone they must be a Liberal? As others have pointed out, the “Free Inhabitant” or “Sovereign Citizen” movement is much more of a right wing/libertarian idea than anything to do with liberals or hippies.

    Truth hurts, doesn’t it?

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