Blood on the left’s hands. Their anti-Christian rhetoric has caused a mass shooting – IOTW Report

Blood on the left’s hands. Their anti-Christian rhetoric has caused a mass shooting

Why aren’t there more articles saying this? If Palin inspired the Gifford’s shooting with her map, certainly the left’s continual attacks on Christianity have inspired this shooter to shoot Christians.

6 Comments on Blood on the left’s hands. Their anti-Christian rhetoric has caused a mass shooting

  1. The guy admired that vester person who killed the reporter a few weeks ago.

    And this guy in oregon killed the christians and i heard they were all white women.

    In a few days we’re probably going to find out that he was a homo who hated women and christians just like the flanigan guy.

    And obama is blaiming the gun.

    And we have such pathetically weak republican leaders that they won’t tell it like it is. Obama blames the gun, and our leaders won’t blame the anti christian homo crowd.

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