HILLarious – Hillary’s new bumper sticker acknowledges that progressives are lazy – IOTW Report

HILLarious – Hillary’s new bumper sticker acknowledges that progressives are lazy

19 Comments on HILLarious – Hillary’s new bumper sticker acknowledges that progressives are lazy

  1. Not to be outdone, the Bernie Sanders campaign brought out their newest bumper sticker:

    “I’m a Socialist, but I only want their money. Your money is safe. No, really! Trust me.”

  2. Oh I get it now. Normally progressives don’t get anything done, so if you consider yourself a progressive AND you get things done, that is noteworthy enough to put on a bumper sticker.

    And also since you’re living in your moms basement you don’t have a car so you put the bumper sticker on your laptop.

  3. Oh progressives get things done alright – $15/hr min wages so everyone is automated out of a job – That puts “Anal Sex” and “Masturbation” a few notches higher on the to-do list.

  4. She’s saying, essentially, that all the other Progressives are just a bunch of worthless, coffee-house ensconced, ideologues. The least she can admit is that without Bill, she’d be chasin’ ambulances, and probably skirt too, in some big city sh!thole and drinkin’ herself into mindless oblivion every night with a quart of vodka.

  5. Hilary’s plan is to crush the ‘last’ of the conservative resistance, round up the guns and the Rednecks, hand over sovereignty to the UN and ascend to the throne as Director/Empress of the UN.
    All this is after she deals with her enemies in the Political body.
    I expect Trey Goudy to disappear soon after her Anointing.
    Barry and Mooch better build a bunker

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