Not Polling Well? Your Green Room Will Reflect That – IOTW Report

Not Polling Well? Your Green Room Will Reflect That

Donald Trump will get to relax in a room decked out with plush leather couches and a flatscreen TV ahead of Wednesday night's third GOP debate 

Pictured above is the green room for Trump and his entourage to hang out in ahead of tonight’s debate.

Below is Rand Paul’s-

Above, is one view of Rand Paul's greenroom at the Coors Events Center. Note the folding table pushed right next to the entrance to the bathroom 

Daily Mail- 

Ken McKay, Chris Christie’s campaign manager, brought up the small room doled out to the New Jersey governor.

‘This is ridiculous. We’re in a restroom,’ McKay said.


I don’t know why, but this makes me laugh. It shouldn’t, because all the candidates should be treated with equal respect. But I just can’t get over thinking about the looks on their faces when they were shown their space.

Maybe they thought everyone got the same type of room. Then they probably said, “Trump will never stand for this.”

Then they saw Trump’s room.



14 Comments on Not Polling Well? Your Green Room Will Reflect That

  1. LMAO!!!
    Yeah, that is fucked up. They’re just trying to impress Trump because they’re afraid of the jokes he’d tell about them on stage.

    That 2nd room looks like a prison cell or something. lol

  2. Okay – this is how it works for some –

    Debate is hosted by CNBC (??) – which is a premium cable channel – that I refuse to pay extra $$ for.

    For basics, I get to watch the ANALYSIS of the debate as given on CNN by Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.

    WTF? Apparently my viewing room is the black room (oops, is that racist?)

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