Brave Scartlett Johansson Mocks the Koran By Reading Passages in Sexy “Porn Voice” – IOTW Report

Brave Scartlett Johansson Mocks the Koran By Reading Passages in Sexy “Porn Voice”

Damn. Turns out ScarJo isn’t so brave. She’s just trite, safe and boring. The actress reads from The Bible in a porn voice.

As Islam terrorizes the world, spilling more blood in the name of Allah and Mohammad, Hollywood busies itself with the brave, important work of attacking Christianity.

Seems a tad odd that the Jewish actress, given the chance to make a religious statement, would choose to mock Christians, her theocratic ally.

ht/ Jerry Manderin

13 Comments on Brave Scartlett Johansson Mocks the Koran By Reading Passages in Sexy “Porn Voice”

  1. “…that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened…” Romans 1:29
    There are so many who chase after their 15 minutes of fame, that they’ll say and do anything to ‘look good’ in the world’s eyes.
    They’re picking the wrong World!

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