Is This Common Knowledge? – IOTW Report

Is This Common Knowledge?

Has anyone heard of otters, and their love for juggling stones?

Sounds weird, right? I thought this video was fake, Then I searched “Otters juggling stones.” They’re ALL DOING IT!!!

Please tell me that this comes as a surprise to everyone else.Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 2.15.13 AM


34 Comments on Is This Common Knowledge?

  1. Never seen them necessarily juggle, but we see them on the Cali Delta all the time and they always have stones. They get Crustacean off the bottom, swim on their backs and crack them open on the rock.

  2. sea otters catch sea- urchins[ main part of their diet ] lay on their backs in the sea and break them open with a small rock , this behaviour is inherent in all otters even though fresh water otters have never seen a sea-urchin instint means they will go through the motion

  3. Known it since I was a kid and spent summers with grandma and grandpa in northern Wisconsin. Lake cats, they shit all over the dock. They also use rocks to break open tasty snacks.

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