Toronto Bureaucrat Says Jesus is Illegal – Islam is Not – IOTW Report

Toronto Bureaucrat Says Jesus is Illegal – Islam is Not

This is where we are. While the left guffaws and snorts when someone says there is a war on Christianity, THERE IS A WAR ON CHRISTIANITY!!!!!

ht/ Kathy Shaidle

10 Comments on Toronto Bureaucrat Says Jesus is Illegal – Islam is Not

  1. “Finally, Anti-Semitism in Germany is an expression or the rejection of Christianity and all that it stands for (the main thesis of Maurice Samuel, The Great Hatred, New York, 1940). Anti-Christian trends in Germany have tow roots and two opposite directions. One rejects Christianity because it is Christian; the other because it is not Christian enough. The free thinkers’ movement rejected Christianity not only as scientifically untenable, but also because, in their view, the churches had betrayed the Sermon on the Mount. The free thinkers did not substitute race hatred, leadership veneration, or terrorism for Christian love, caritas, and the brotherhood of man, but the evolution of a scientifically tenable rational theory of justice and morality, Christian socialism in Germany (Protestant and Catholic) tried to integrate socialism with Christian morality.
    The second Anti-Christian trend does not reject the churches because of their alleged betrayal of Christian principles, but rejects the Christian principles themselves because they seem incompatible with the specific tasks that Germany has to undertake, or because those principles mutilate and fetter man.
    Religious Anti-Semitism is, then – and to this extent I share Maurice Samuel’s view – the articulate rejection of Christian morality, but is restricted to the Semitic origin of Christ because Christianity is too deeply rooted in the German people and the uprooting of Christianity would be so gigantic a task that National Socialism can only fulfil it by the long process of education.” (emphasis added)
    (Franz Neumann, Behemoth, 1942)

  2. False prophets have instilled the lie that Jesus was a pacifist in order to pave the way for this.
    Any Christian who has fallen for that needs to actually read the New Testament, cover to cover, as a book, rather than listening to what others claim it says.
    Go back and read the words of Christian gospel hymns that were common until very recent times. They were militant, often invoking the cross of Jesus as a sword.
    Satan has infiltrated our churches, and for the most part we have been silent and compliant.

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