Welfare Recipients Start Peeing In Cups On Monday – IOTW Report

Welfare Recipients Start Peeing In Cups On Monday

The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families will be drug testing all able-bodied adults seeking benefits beginning Monday.

 Drug Test


 It’s good to have you back Governor Walker.

20 Comments on Welfare Recipients Start Peeing In Cups On Monday

  1. I live next to a family of welfare turds. They are sitting on the porch drinking beer and smoking. They do this every day on my dime.
    I would not allow any turds to drink or smoke or do drugs.
    Under 30 turds would be told to get a job and keep it or be sent to the military
    For five years.

  2. My neighbor works a union construction job and gets laid off every 2 months then lays around the house drinking until hired again in about a month. He depends on unemployment as part of his regular employment.

    I told him to quit entirely and make drinking a full time job like I did.

  3. My question is: Why stop there. If your piece of shit offspring causes so much as a minor disruption in the classroom… NO public assistance what so ever for the next month. I bet that would change their tune quite quickly.

  4. Increasing the required responsibility of people accepting assistance is the best way to regulate it and reduce fraud.
    After all, if you have to act responsibly, why not just work a job?

  5. I had to do urine testing for a job once. A matron came into the ladies’ room with me, then immediately felt the bottle when I handed it to her to see if it was warm or cold.

  6. I say give them all the benefits and money they want. They give up the right to vote. They have to pick — public assistance or voting. I will guarantee they will choose the money.

    Then conservatives start winning the majority of elections all of the time. The ‘tards will scream but remember that getting anything from gov’t is a privilege. And that privilege can come with any stipulation the gov’t wants. If you want to drive a car on the public roads you have to show financial responsibility. Taking away the vote to those on public assistance is just more of the same.

  7. Back in the dark ages the aerospace company I worked for implemented this for “strategic high profile employees and people who had been in an accident”.
    Having all the outward appearance of a long haired, bearded hippy freak, said I would be first on the list. Everybody poo pooed that, “It’s random, what are the chances?”. On that, I asked if they were in the market for a used bridge in Brooklyn.
    Yep, you guessed it, first in line, who knew?
    I reported and had to wait a long time for a witness to show up, the nurse was female. The manager went in and actually closely observed me, something they were not supposed to do.
    At shaking the dew off the lily, I asked him if he would like this over his eye for a wart, he just didn’t see the humour. Tried to hand him the very full cup, he wasn’t that dumb.
    After getting the results, negative, I posted it, blown up big, for all to see.
    Then I went down to HR, told them about the way it was conducted, believe it or not, the manager was demoted. Don’t know if that was the reason, just know he was demoted soon after.
    20 years and never had to pee in a cup again. Had to pee for some licenses, that was the FAA.

    Why shouldn’t welfare people have to pee, are they better than us?

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