The Safe Space – IOTW Report

The Safe Space


This image was found on imgur and it was in response to this story (which has gone viral on several outlets.)

ht/ TheFakeTomTelesco

9 Comments on The Safe Space

  1. I wonder if art school is as brutal now as it was in the 80’s?

    We’d line a project up on a white or chalkboard. I had teachers knock these assignments on the floor for being crap, or drag a trash can with him and drop them into that if he thought they were bad or even wing them to the back of the class.

    Special snowflakes couldn’t survive art school.

    Our safe space was the food truck that’d park at the school at 7:30am. We’d stand there and get the biggest cup of coffee they had and prepare for whatever h*ll class you had that day.

  2. In all my years I’ve never had a dog with matted hair that bad. If that little bitch were a member of my family she’d be sporting a BUZZ CUT real damn quick…and a fire hose shower might be in line too!

  3. If you want to put all of your crazy on the net for everyone to see I’m all for it. Let’s me know who to avoid. Good luck finding a job with that messy mush of logic formation. I could see her suing McDonalds because its the only job she could get and SuperSize is a trigger word, racist, and oppressive.

  4. Fur, you’ve used this image several times before. I’m begging you, please STOP.

    If I wanted to see a mess like that, all I’d have to do is open the front door and check out the gender – confused cuties from Sarah Lawrence parading down my street.

  5. On a macro, breaking up that “safe space”, the womb, bubble, whatever you want to call it, (i.e.adversity) would remind those students to work through it and thus gain character.

    They don’t know who they are, they are CLUELESS. Not an insult, it was just never taught to them from the home.

    Anybody ever read the book “Fatherless America”, David Blakenhorn?

    Hmm. Anyway, this is what looks like when there’s no parental modeling-zip.

    The O.T. says that the young will be over the old. Why? Parental dropping the ball!

    Folks, just want to say this is coming from a person who BIG TIME, could’ve been a better father.

  6. the more I’ve seen this pic the more I am confused of the gender
    there are those that say (oh look! an Obama quote!) that gender does not matter….to them I say….pppppppffffffiiitttt

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