How Bad is the Muslim Rapist Problem in Sweden? – IOTW Report

How Bad is the Muslim Rapist Problem in Sweden?

A woman was being raped, escaped, and was raped again by a different gang of Muslim scumbags, all within an hour.

10 Comments on How Bad is the Muslim Rapist Problem in Sweden?

  1. The Morlocks have been turned loose on the Eloi and it ain’t pretty!
    Now that the West has been softened up sufficiently with Political Correctness and White guilt they’re easy pickins. It’s deliberate, planned and calculated… and it’s a war.
    The Dumbed Down, Politically Correct generation just doesn’t know it yet!

  2. I keep waiting for berserker Swedish men to rise up and avenge their women, but these are the same people who basically sat out the second world war, so let them rot if they won’t take a stand.

  3. Merkel’s government has school children and villagers cleaning up and serving as maids for the barbarian hoarde. Perhaps rape is Sweden’s contribution. Rape and pillage, are the spoils of war and the invasion IS A WAR.

  4. From the article: He (police investigator) would not reveal the descriptions of the perpetrators the woman gave (another clear indication in the shameful political correct country).

    And that says it all. Swedish women, and now men, are to remain silent as to who commits the rapes so as not to disturb the political correctness and vicious Pisslamists.

  5. Sweden/Europe is just one front on the world wide war being conducted against non-believers by islam. It’s just getting started here in America but some Americans are not fooled hence the gun the and ammo sales that continue to set yearly records.

  6. Can’t really blame the filthy fucking ragheads for being filthy fucking ragheads – that’s like blaming a tick for being a tick.

    Sweden’s gov’t is perpetrating this atrocity on the Swedes – just as Germany’s is on the Germans, and ours is on us.

    When is enough, enough?

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