Not Enough French Were Killed Today – IOTW Report

Not Enough French Were Killed Today

UPDATE 2: The Twitter confusion should never have been. The initial comment by the influential tweeter was endorsing the post. He said, “Snooze Button.” I got it, but immediately saw a bunch of comments saying “Reported!”, “What a jerk.”

Not being a Twitter expert I thought “Snooze Button” might’ve meant “Unfollow,” “Put him to sleep.”

But it didn’t. Actor Adam Baldwin has since explained that he read the article and his 2 word comment was meant to say that most likely everyone will collectively go back to sleep. Great comment, actually.

I said, “Larger picture today. This minor scene is a wrap. Thank you, Adam.”

Follow Adam’s timeline on Twitter. He’s a solid conservative and has starred in 2 of my favorite movies (My Bodyguard and Full Metal Jacket.)


UPDATE: This post title was auto-tweeted to Twitter with a link to the article. There are people who have very strong, very vocal opinions, who have obviously not bothered to read the post, probably thinking the post title was the extent of what I had to say.

Forget gun control, we need pitchfork and flaming club control. I’m very disappointed in one follower in particular. I won’t name them because I think had they clicked the link they would see that their assumption was incorrect.


“Wow, you’re a ghoul. You’re sick.”

No, I just know that after all the live-blogging, the concern tweeting, the “I stand with” hashtagging, sadly, tragically, this will be absorbed, accepted and we’ll by Thanksgiving.

“Right-wing nuts” will still be talking about shutting borders, warning of the coming caliphate, shouting that this “refugee crisis” is really an invasion of the west, and the left will still be calling us racists who have no idea about the gloriousness of multiculturalism.

When we compare crises, the west somehow loses, because Muslims being killed by Muslims in the east is apparently a much bigger crisis than Muslims killing non-Muslims in the western countries they are invading. Why?

We had 3,000 people killed on a brisk clear September morning, things have only gotten worse. There have been 27,269 Muslim terror attacks since. These events in Paris today are just another square in the Muslim Terror Quilt. The refugees will continue to pour into western Europe, and greeted with open arms by people who are either silly or have a sinister agenda.

Daily, we are told that there are good Muslims. Okay, and how is the presence of good Muslims helping? Is it helping to have good Muslims in France? Sweden? Great Britain?

The answer is obviously no. So why do they need more refugees who may or may not be “good Muslims”? They need less. Much less.

Deportations need to be started. And if Europe’s left resists, sorrowfully, we need hundreds of thousands of Europeans to be killed before anyone even begins to entertain a solution to this crisis.

If I’m being hyperbolic, please stop running the Paris story in the news. A few dead Frenchman is nothing to get worked up about, no?

3,000 Americans died in coordinated attacks on 9/11. Had it been 30,000 victims on 9/11 would 120 French killed on 11/13 still be enjoying a meal, a concert, a Paris evening?

How about 300,000?

What will it take?



60 Comments on Not Enough French Were Killed Today

  1. Absolutely.
    And if the FRENCH themselves don’t do anything to stop terrorism on their own soil, there’s nothing anyone can do or say on their behalf.

    [And that goes for America, too.]

  2. Since this has it’s own post, I wrote a reply earlier:

    There will be another attack in the USA.
    The question is, will it happen within the next fifty weeks?
    If it doesn’t, lets all welcome the first female president of the USA, Hillary Clinton.
    Swallow that, hard, true fact.

    We need another Reagan at this time more than ever.

    “Today we did what we had to do.
    They counted on America to be passive.
    They counted wrong”
    — Ronald Reagan

  3. Seems to me the Frenchies voted in their demise. And make no mistake, it’s just started. Got to go clean some weapons now. Oh but wait, did anybody catch Megan Kelly and that horses ass Peter King talking about Marshal Law here and dis arming the public? Not mine, and not in my county Pete. You won’t like what you find here.

  4. I am betting the piles of flowers, balloons and teddy bears will start forming before day is done there, followed by the candlelight vigils, followed by more attacks. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat, until Europe is gone forever. Francois Hollande says, “our fight will be merciless.”. When will that be Francine? Hmm?

  5. 0bama wants a nuclear armed Iran.
    Will it take a 33.6 square mile smouldering irradiated parking lot in Manhattan for people to WAKE THE FUCK UP?

    Who can say when democrats are actually considering coming out of their safe-space to vote for Hillary or Bernie…

  6. Yes Mr. Pinko Shepple Smith is an asshole. Now, today the world is really changed, I mean really, really changed Completely different than yesterday.? WTF? Trouble is most sensible people in the world are not running countries. We have a worldwide kakistocracy. (sp)

  7. No Tom it didn’t change a bit after 9/11 and this is a fart in a windstorm compared to that. France’s elected officials contributed to this. Elected officials. They were asking for it, enjoy. We’re asking for it too. And it’s coming.

  8. If it were children dying they might get off the dime.
    I really thought when 911 happened it was nuke time. But no
    It was wait wait wait.. Till we calm down.
    Fuck that shit. Nuke them.

  9. “There are people who have very strong, very vocal opinions, who have obviously not bothered to read the post, probably thinking the post title was the extent of what I had to say. ”

    And 0bama’s followers are mindless bots? *sigh*. We’ve got a lot of our own on the Right. *smh*

  10. Even if the jihad attacks stopped, Europe is doomed because of the high birth rate of moslem invaders. Some of those stinking bastards have 4 or 5 wives producing new jihadis for the caliphate.

    Their only chance of survival is for them to fight back with everything they’ve got. But that phony “multiculturalism” and “diversity” will have to be discarded or they can just kiss their asses goodbye right now.

    Get the fuck out of that comfort zone and fight like men, you fucking pussies!

  11. Come on Brad, Trump is a trust fund baby who’s reneged on debt I think 4 times. I agree he would get some things done like the fence and such but he’s a eminent domain bastard.

    I’ll vote for him if he’s the nominee but Ted is the man.

  12. They have to re-patriot the muslims, they do not assimilate, they do not melt into the western civilization’s they go to. They are alien cultures that should never be allowed to come here or Europe.

    We can see that they are not a benefit to our culture, they are a curse.

  13. Well, isn’t it amazing how people complain about the left not looking at facts and investigating, and then they go and do the exact same thing?

    You think any of them will respond with an “oops. my bad” after that? Pfft.

  14. Why is it people think that if someone doesn’t agree with them, they simply don’t know what they’re talking about?
    Do YOUR research…trump is about as far left on most issues as one can be. Border control is his populist appeal to lofo conservatives. He’s a friggin clown as is anyone who thinks he’s presidential material.

    And no, not an eGOP proponent.

  15. Excellent article, excellent comments. Except for the comment from that idiot who says he’ll refuse to vote for Trump because Trump okays eminent domain. Wonder if it ever occurred to him that Hillary is an expert at taking what belongs to other people, and she doesn’t worry about eminent domain when she does it, either. Oh yeah, she also doesn’t worry about compensating you for what she takes. But you don’t care about all that. She’d still be better than that vulgar Trump, right? Do us a favor and just stay home on Election Day.

  16. Sitting here in the far reaches of N. California, with a huge pantry, and serious measures for self defense, I await the demise of those in highly populated areas of our once great country.

    If we had a collective brain among us, we would be taking action against those that plot against us. Yes there will be collateral damage, mostly among very stupid people who claim to lead and protect us. Yes, they even took an Oath, which is reason enough to take the bastards out. Oh yeah, we’ll be taking out some would-be terrorists also. And for good measure, their relatives and close friends, just to make it a safer place in the future.

    BTW, for those of you who are education challenged, this happens every few hundred years, because, like mosquitoes and germs, you never get them all the first time and they breed like rats, once left alone. If you live in a large city, get out and get out now, but don’t come here. Okay, you’ve been warned.

  17. Falling for the MSM view on Trump huh? He did not bankrupt, he used this after buying corporations that were ready to file It is was corporate raiders do. Are you a complete idiot? Yes Cruz is good too I could vote for either one but do your research on something other than Cable News or Wikipedia.

  18. .@jaketapper James Kallstrom said yesterday w/@megynkelly that America had not yet suffered enough dead to have the will to fight as needed.

    12:04pm – 14 Nov 15

    Your “friend” tweeted this. I guess it’s different if Kallstrom makes the point.

  19. Trump may have an “accident” soon and it will be blamed on the muzzies and……… jeb will jump in to save the world. Obangay needs impeached tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Sumthin better change. I see popular vigilantism taking over for a French govt who can’t get it done……..

  20. The media and the usurpers are keeping it compartmentalized – claiming that “radical” izlam is a distinct ideology from izlam, and ignoring the fact that EVEN IF THAT WERE TRUE and only 5% of izlamists were “radical” that would STILL be 65 Million moslems.

    That’s more than the TOTAL losses of the human race in WW II – military, civilian, accidents, weather, &c.

    In other words, izlam, or “radical” izlam is a YUGE problem and they’ve been encouraged by the fecklessness and weakness and perfidy of the western powers who have convinced themselves (and a lot of us) that nothing can be done about the threat, and we must come to an “accomodation” (read: appeasement) with them, because, just as 11 Million rat-people are “too many” to deport, 65 Million rabid savages are “too many” to defeat.

    Cowards will ALWAYS behave cowardly.
    It’s who they are.
    It’s what they are.

  21. The thing that I am gobsmacked about is, these “refugees” are all young men, no women, no children, no feeble, all young fit men.
    If you retards don’t recognize an invading army you are welcoming with open arms, feeding them, housing them and giving them free money, there is no hope left. They don’t need women and children, they will take your women, kill your children and then make all the Muslims they want.
    You deserve what you fools get.
    I am no longer proud of my European heritage.

  22. Trump will be be the best President we ever had! Dang you Fur you had me watch My body Guard again after 30 years. just as good as the first time. Adam is a great actor. He was great on Chuck. Probably the reason I watched it. Did not relate that he was in My Body Guard. Thanks

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