Hillary Goes After Comedians Who Performed Routine About Her at The Laugh Factory – IOTW Report

Hillary Goes After Comedians Who Performed Routine About Her at The Laugh Factory

To paraphrase Oblather, “How is Hillary going to stare down Putin if she falls to pieces about a comedy routine?”

I watched the video. One makes fun of her pants suits, Dom Irrera says she should be president because she  knows what it’s like to “like men and love women.”

One guy says she hadn’t had her period since the last century.

And the coup de gras is a woman comic saying that Hillary never really freaked out over Monica because she had a fat bitch on the side too- “Hey Bill, we like the same things.”

It’s not particularly hilarious comedy, but it’s free speech, and Hillary wants it shut down.

Judicial Watch

In what appears to be a first for a serious presidential contender, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is going after five comedians who made fun of the former Secretary of State in standup skits at a popular Hollywood comedy club.

A video of the short performance, which is less than three minutes, is postedon the website of the renowned club, Laugh Factory, and the Clinton campaign has
tried to censor it. Besides demanding that the video be taken down, the Clinton campaign has demanded the personal contact information of the performers that appear in the recording. This is no laughing matter for club owner Jamie Masada, a comedy guru who opened Laugh Factory more than three decades ago and has been instrumental in launching the careers of many famous comics. “They threatened me,” Masada told Judicial Watch. “I have received complaints before but never a call like this, threatening to put me out of business if I don’t cut the video.”


ht/ Jerry Manderin

14 Comments on Hillary Goes After Comedians Who Performed Routine About Her at The Laugh Factory

  1. Refreshing, considering it’s been 7 years since any comedian has had the stones to target Barry. They must have some info the rest of us don’t, like Hillary won’t get the nomination. We can hope.

  2. JOKES? Hillary Clinton’s whole life has been a joke.

    There’s no reason to impose that tragedy on America AGAIN.

    Or is there? Democrat voters will get what they deserve.
    Everyone else will suffer, just as the USA is doing now. 🙁

  3. Hillary has worked hard to identify with the grass roots. She became interested in the “rut” during her bus tour and went on a guided hunt in Wyoming to shoot deer early this month. Evidently she became separated from the property owner, got buck fever with that little .243 and shot a ranch hand in the corral. There were several hunters close enough to hear the shot and they quickly descended on the area and after examining the young cowboy found that he was quite dead. Hillary looked in wonderment and asked “is he still alive(?)” upon which someone tersely said, “he would be if you hadn’t gutted him.”
    For the life of me I don’t know why they gave her a knife.

  4. I bet all of these comedians and the company get bent over by the IRS if Shrillary has her way. Or vanish entirely. Then she’ll turn her attention to blogs, online news sites, ect.

    One must not be critical of the dear leader. Ever. Or else.

    Sound familiar?

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