Nice Rant – Not One Word Of It Holds Its Weight in Piss Water If Progressives Remain In Charge – IOTW Report

Nice Rant – Not One Word Of It Holds Its Weight in Piss Water If Progressives Remain In Charge

Ht/ Legal Insurrection

8 Comments on Nice Rant – Not One Word Of It Holds Its Weight in Piss Water If Progressives Remain In Charge

  1. Ahhh France, land of the high IQ leaders(?)

    So they discover several of the attackers snuck in with the wave of “syrian” refugees, they see video proof of how easy it is to get fake “syrian” passports, they’ve been attacked numerous times in the past few years by home grown & immigrant terrorists, they have 10s of 1,000s of moslims sucking the French welfare teat, no go zones, mass car arsons, Jews leaving in droves, empty churches and streets blocked many times a day as moslims feel it’s their right to disrupt the producers and guess what??

    The French president just OKed another 30,000 “syrian” refugees!!!!!

    Brilliant plan I guess, that is if you’re out to have all that great French history eradicated when the moslims take over. Think of the destruction of in Iraq and Afghanistan of significant historical monuments. Now think of the Eiffel Tower with a couple 1,000 pounds of C-4 taped to it.

    I’ve read that France is now about 10% moslim-this is the point where moslims are doing exactly what they’re doing there-open, overt attacks on the infidel.

    I’ve said for years that France would be the first country in Europe to have their military taken over by moslims and although Sweden is giving them a run for their money, I’m still all in on France.

  2. Good speech, except for that brief sneezing spell he had there for a minute.


    What’s French for “Gesundheit”, anyway…?


  3. “Islamist Scumbags”!

    Yes, more please! Be silent no more. Speak up and speak out. It’s time to drowned out the minority liberal death-to-all-that-is-good voices we have let take control of us.

    Stop sitting on the fence – speak out.

    Also, pray that God will open ears to hear and eyes to see.

    This also goes for everything liberal.

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