Matthews Thinks They’re Being Smart and Coy – But in Reality They’re Just Stupid – IOTW Report

Matthews Thinks They’re Being Smart and Coy – But in Reality They’re Just Stupid

Matthews asks Schumer the difference between a democrat and a socialist. Schumer balks.

These politicians don’t want to answer Chris Matthews’ oft asked question because like any other question, they don’t know the answer. It’s not that are too savvy and cagey and “saying a lot by not answering,” as Matthews suggests.

These are imbeciles.

There is a difference. Socialists want public ownership of the means of production.

Democrats want private owners to keep their businesses, but they want to tax the hell out of them. Sanders, a social democrat, wouldn’t know what to do after businesses are taxed into oblivion, and they cease to produce. He expects private businesses to keep toiling away while he confiscates the money.

It’s very near ownership of the means of production, but not quite.

See video after the jump.

14 Comments on Matthews Thinks They’re Being Smart and Coy – But in Reality They’re Just Stupid

  1. “Democrats want private owners to keep their businesses, but they want to tax and regulate the hell out of them.”

    That’s what makes Dems more like FASCISTS rather than communists/socialists…not that’s there’s all that much difference between them.

  2. Democrats enslave (mean literally) by Gov regulation..
    Socialists enslave by force..

    it’s only a subtle difference that Democrats and Socialists don’t really understand. so stop being so American white privileged on them…

  3. Actually Socialism is an economy of regulation, whereas fascism is a morality of deregulation. practically however Mussolini’s doctrine of fascism is what most use to define it. Even though he wasn’t the first fascist but only a prototype. One that defined it purely as a militaristic government crushing dissent type. Technically though it is a return to nationalism ala God and country that may or may not have the other brutal parts that Mussolini carried out. To libtards it’s going backwards but to Patriots the move back to God and country is comforting hence the danger of a madman using that sentiment brutally.

  4. Not to put too fine a point on it, but “Fascism” was simply Italian socialism as practiced by the Fascist Party. Mussolini chose the fasces to represent, in the Italian imagination, the grandeur of Rome revivified in 20s Italy.

    Another branch of the socialist tree.

  5. The Demonrats ARE socialists.
    There is NO difference.
    A self-described Socialist is running for the Demonrat nomination for POTUS.

    Hence, ergo, ipso facto, ad nauseam, who’syerdaddy –
    the Demonrat Party IS Socialist.

  6. Actually, communism is where the state is the owner of the production. Socialism is private ownership of production but the state regulates every facet of production.

    Democrats start by being socialist with the ultimate goal of communism/tyranny.

    All forms of communism/socialism and tyranny fail in 70 years or less.

  7. Certainly Mussolini wasn’t the first fascist in history but since he coined the phrase it may seem so. In looking to find a real definition I can only share with you my best attempt. I’d like to hear your own as long as it’s not regurgitation of someone else. The matrix is economy and morality on one axis and regulation and deregulation on the other whereby you can account for all four communism, socialism, capitalism and fascism. They are developmental stages at root f you can see them general enough. Capitalism and socialism are economies whereas communism and fascism are moralities. Capitalism and fascism feature deregulation (freedom) versus communism and socialism which feature regulation (equality). I. E capitalism is an economy of freedom.

  8. “Capitalism” is an artificial construct of the socialists to try to explain and systematize: “Do What You Want With Your Own Fucking Money.” There is no philosophical basis for “capitalism.”

    The “Communist Party” brought “socialism,” which is a philosophical system of coercion – systematizing all aspects of human existence, to fruition in China and what became known as the Soviet Union (The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

    Socialism is a poly-faceted illusion of hatred, coercion, death, disease, slavery, misery, starvation and ennui which goes by many names: communism, National Socialism (Nazism), Italian Socialism (Fascism), Maoism, Progressivism, Democratic Party, Moderate Republicanism, Anarchism, Unionism, Syndicalism, Leftism, Liberalism – anything to obscure the facts.

    The differences – the ONLY differences – among, say, Hitler’s National Socialism (Nazism), Mussolini’s Italian Socialism (Fascism), Maoism (Chinese Socialism), and Stalinism (Soviet Socialism) is the personality differences of the dictators, themselves. There is absolutely NO difference in the methods of control or the end products.

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