Michael Bloombag Getting Serious About His Independent Ticket Presidential Run – IOTW Report

Michael Bloombag Getting Serious About His Independent Ticket Presidential Run

Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg is ‘preparing to launch independent presidential bid’

Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, has told his aides to draw up plans for an independent campaign and has given himself an early March deadline to decide if he will run.

25 Comments on Michael Bloombag Getting Serious About His Independent Ticket Presidential Run

  1. With all the crap Bloomin’idjit has been involved in, he’d be an easier political target than Shrillery Cankles.
    So, RUN, MIKEY, RUN. Spend your fortune, and the fortunes of all your Libtard millionaire friends. Spread that wealth to the rest of us little people.

  2. Bloomberg is arrogant enough to see himself on a White Horse, riding in to rescue the tattered remains of the Democrat Party, in the wake of multiple Federal Criminal indictments against the Hildebeest and everyone the Clintons have ever known.

    With what is surely coming, nobody is going to want to be associated with the Democrat Party. There are plenty of Democrats out there who do not like the Hildebeest, do not feel the Bern, and will be willing to vote for anyone who shows them leadership in an election year with the Party in full collapse.

    Could be a very smart political move, and he has the cash to mount a late entry, classic Dark Horse campaign.

  3. The only “good” thing I can think of about a Bloomborg presidency is that he would take Barky’s “America’s Number One Gun Salesman” crown away. (-:

    (NB: “Bloomborg” is not a typo. I will not be assimilated.)

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