Sanders supporters shouted ‘English only’ during caucus – IOTW Report

Sanders supporters shouted ‘English only’ during caucus

The Hill: 

Supporters of Hillary Clinton are accusing Nevada caucusgoers supporting Bernie Sanders of shouting “English only” when other participants requested a Spanish translator.

Civil rights activist Dolores Huerta, who has endorsed Clinton, told CNN that the comments came when she offered to translate herself.

“I walked up to the front and then some of the organizers, the Bernie organizers, decided to shout ‘no, no, no,'” she said to the network, noting that a Sanders supporter offered to translate as well. 

“Then some of the organizers were shouting ‘English only, English only.’ This is bad.”


7 Comments on Sanders supporters shouted ‘English only’ during caucus

  1. formwiz – It doesn’t matter whether it is phony or not. It shows that both the Clinton and Sanders campaigns are afraid of appearing to agree with “speak English” or any other similar ideas. Meanwhile, Trump openly embraces “speak English” and other thoughts like it, because he knows that the majority of the American people do too. This is the reason that Trump has won in NH and SC. It is the reason he will destroy either Clinton or Sanders in the general election.

  2. My Godfather who was born in Mexico, came to the US during WWII to join the Marine Corps and fight the Japanese in the Pacific as a way to earn his path to citizenship. He became a citizen and only spoke English even in his home. He believed that if you were an American you should speak English no matter where you came from!

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