Concerned Parents Turn to Sniffer Dog Teams to Search Children’s Rooms for Drugs – IOTW Report

Concerned Parents Turn to Sniffer Dog Teams to Search Children’s Rooms for Drugs

tlc canine services sniffer dogs

OC: Worried American parents are resorting to extreme ways of finding out if their kids are into drugs – they’re actually hiring private K9 services to sniff out any narcotics that their kids might be hiding in their rooms, bathrooms or cars. These sniffer dogs are specially trained to find hidden narcotics such as meth, barbiturates, marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. Some of the searches turn up empty, but in most cases the parents’ suspicions are confirmed.  MORE

12 Comments on Concerned Parents Turn to Sniffer Dog Teams to Search Children’s Rooms for Drugs

  1. Many of the sniffer dogs are put up for adoption when they are retired. Not all can retire to a home with their handler.

    What a better way to keep the house clean? Win win for the doggy and the parent.

    Just a note, sometimes in training they don’t make the cut for whatever reason.

  2. LBS – No, the dogs avoid snowflakes, just the better drugs.
    And, who says Mon ‘n Dad aren’t selling the kids stash on the street or at work, you know, to pay for their Obamacare premiums?

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