Global Warming – New York to be in the 10s in April – IOTW Report

Global Warming – New York to be in the 10s in April

And snow. Lots of snow.

ht/ annie

12 Comments on Global Warming – New York to be in the 10s in April

  1. In Toronto we’re going to catch the edge of it starting Saturday with a day full of snow scheduled for Monday. Of course the forecast changes daily so perhaps with a little luck it will just be a few snow showers and a little colder then normal for a week. I hope so anyway as I’ve washed, dried, waterproofed and put away the dogs MuttLuck booties which have caused so many battles this year 🙂

  2. Dan,
    Attempt to think through that thought even a little logically (if you have enough brain cells to do so). . . .
    If there is MORE water tied up as snow throughout the earth, then that leaves LESS water in the oceans, therefore, the oceans would sink.
    Unlike economics, water really is a zero-sum system.

    Yes, yes, I realize you were (/snark)ing, but there are some readers out there who would take you seriously.

  3. Today I had to call in sick because I was having such a struggle with spring allergies (and their evil twin, anti-histamine overload). A good blast of cold weather sounds really heavenly right about now.

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