Obama Could Try and Make Illegals Eligible For Social Security – IOTW Report

Obama Could Try and Make Illegals Eligible For Social Security

I cannot say what I want to say to this in this post.


Does the president of the United States have the power to unilaterally tell millions of individuals who are violating federal law that he will not enforce that law against them now, that they may continue to violate that law in the future and that he will take action that makes them eligible for federal benefit programs for which they are not currently eligible due to their unlawful status?

Through Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, President Barack Obama is telling the Supreme Court exactly this right now.

The solicitor general calls what Obama is doing “prosecutorial discretion.”

He argues that under this particular type of “prosecutorial discretion,” the executive can make millions of people in this country illegally eligible for Social Security, disability and Medicare.


ht/ fdr in hell

25 Comments on Obama Could Try and Make Illegals Eligible For Social Security

  1. Can we make it 8 more months? This egomanical narcissist is going to get completely out of control in the coming months. Maybe our military will finally get their collective heads out of their asses and put a stop to him. The Mussolini treatment comes to mind for Barry and Moochell. Heads on pikes.

  2. That f*ck*ng traitor bastard is turning up the Cloward-Piven, testing the top limit.

    If the assholes in Washington stand around with their thumbs up their asses and watch 0bama give SS to illegals, I think I will make a wish every day for the rest of my life that Washington D.C. be completely destroyed — for the good of the nation.

  3. Distributing Federal money to recipients who are not entitled to receive that money is FRAUD on the part of both the givers and the takers.

    Wake up, America, or die in your sleep. 🙁

  4. OK, if I unilaterally decided this is illegal and unacceptable,
    since no one who’s job it is to do so seems to give a rip,
    who would have my back if I decided to personally enforce the law?

    That’s what I thought.

  5. “the executive can make millions of people in this country illegally eligible for Social Security, disability and Medicare.”

    thank God, the republicans took impeachment off the table.

    just imagine how bad they would look now during the primaries if they had obama undergoing impeachment hearings.

    mean, childish, haters, racists, xenophobes.

  6. Social Security is supposed to run out of money around 2040. Has anybody done the math to calculate how much earlier this will happen if Obama has his way?

    Damn, I’m going to have to keep working until they carry me out of Family Court in a box.

  7. This is how fcuked up the government is.

    Today is Thursday, April 7th.

    An email in my inbox this morning says; It’s National Social Security Week! Today April 7th, we’re unveiling Check Your Statement Day!

    I guess since I haven’t put a single thin dime into SS in over 7 years, they’re checking to see if I’m still alive by encouraging me to sign on today.

    I’m even supposed to share this event with friends, family, colleagues and neighbors by encouraging them to sign up for a my Social Security account.

    Too bad I forgot my password!

  8. Welcome to the Party comrades. After 7 years of this socialist/communist/half-breed/POS, you slack-jawed, mouth-breathers have decided that he should be impeached or worse? Well, it’s a little late. This mother-fucking porch monkey isn’t nearly half done making our lives miserable.

    And it isn’t that He has violated the Oath of Office, so has his Secret Service detail and every military and police official in the United States. They will all take a bullet for Obama, but not one will take a bullet for America!

    You have ONE candidate that is an antidote for the virus we have in Congress and the White House. Vote like your lives depend on it. This is your last chance to NOT become France.

  9. Since when has having the legal power to do anything stopped this administration?

    And the fault is really that of our complacent at best, and/or complicit congress. They are not so afraid of him, as they are either blackmailed or riding the Obama gravy train.

  10. flushing taxpayer money down the toilet — careful there, FDR, he’s just employing some of your “Price Support Policies.”

    Remember when you ordered the dumping of over a billion bushels of farmers’ grain right out onto the ground?? Oh, and the slaughter of over a million hogs ?? Etc.

  11. Don’t forget cotton, tobacco, and milk. My Agricultural Adjustment Act was simply an expansion of Hoover’s Federal Farm Board from the Ag Marketing Act of 1929..

    Thanks. It feels sooo good to be remembered. 🙂

  12. Socialist Security ran out of money decades ago.

    It’s a scam, people! It was NEVER intended to be solvent.

    It was NEVER intended to be a “Retirement” system – it was sposed to be a “safety net” for the morons too stupid to save and invest.

    Of course, in actuality, it’s a vast bureaucracy that allows maggots and sycophants to live like Princes while the dummies pay for that “over the rainbow” future that’ll never come.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. FDR lied about everything in his NEW (Raw) DEAL being “temporary.”

    Hell is too cushy a place for Wilson, FDR, LBJ…and each of the ones currently in Lucifer’s On-Deck Circle.

    You know who you are! 👿

  14. Not surprising the the a-holes who have a problem with this are racists and bigots, Also not surprising they are trying to push their great White Hope Trump into the Presidency, because like them, Trump is a racist, bigoted, scumbag!

    I’m sorry but it is so hard for me to sit here and not laugh at some of these comments. There is a reason the bible says “study to show thyself approved.” You should read a blog that isn’t correct and take it as face value. You guys need to do your own research. The whole point was not for someone to get benefits they are not entitled to but to be able to have a real job and thus pay real taxes and have real FICA and SS wage taxes withheld. They are here in a secret economy. This would add billions to tax revenue. Had a conservative come up with this exact same plan then this site would be talking about how great it was to make people who are illegal pay their fair share of taxes. Also, under this law, this is for people who were brought here as babies by their illegal parents, many of whom are now teenagers and can’t get into college because they are just now finding out they are illegal. Also for those children who were born here and are thus US citizens, but minors. It allows their parents to stay here. For example, you have a 7 year old american citizen whose parents are illegal. You can’t force the child to leave the country. They are a citizen. This law will allow their parents to live outside of a shadow economy and contribute and pay taxes, etc without fear of retribution. If you pay into social security then you deserve to get social security.

    If the illegal immigrants are paying into the system, it’s only fair they receive the benefits they paid for…..They aren’t eligible to collect from them for 10 years.

    This only allows them to pay in and to be able to work and support themselves.

    Barack Obama does not hate America. You don’t get to become the president by hating America. All these theories that he is a communist or a Muslim who secretly is trying to undermine America are completely unfounded and usually perpetrated by ignorant people that just can’t stand having a black president.

    Every time someone is any power situation there are always going to be people that heckle him. I don’t particularly like Obama but he took up the presidency at the WORST time because George Bush f-ed so much up. From the very beginning it was obvious that there was very little Obama could do to put the pieces back together, but unlike Bush who spent most of his time on his ranch while American soldiers died for a pointless cause, Obama tried to put things in place to help Americans. IF they didnt work thats because he’s a Human being and Humans can make mistakes. Obama did a lot of good for the poor people of this country and so rich and well off people have given him a terrible name because they don’t want to pay more taxes.

    Clearly you hate Obama, but your hate is aimed purely because he is black. All the other reasons you have listed are your cover to avoid being called a racist, but I can see right through your trickery.

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