Cruz Will Not Be Trump’s Veep – IOTW Report

Cruz Will Not Be Trump’s Veep


Don’t count on Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz being Donald Trump‘s running mate, even though Trump has not made any such proposal.

“It ain’t gonna happen,” Cruz said during an MSNBC town hall in Buffalo, New York, Thursday in which he tackled a number of issues.

The Texas senator didn’t shy away from discussing North Carolina’s House Bill 2 that was signed into law last month, which banned people from using bathrooms that don’t match the sex indicated on their birth certificate.

“As the father of daughters, I’m not terribly excited about men being able to go along into a bathroom with my daughters,” Cruz said. “Listen, the Obama education department is going against a junior high insisting that the junior high must allow a teenage boy to shower with teenage girls. Now, that’s just nuts. I mean, that’s not a reasonable decision. That’s crazy.”


24 Comments on Cruz Will Not Be Trump’s Veep

  1. Well, thank God. That would be a mess.

    And it’s official . . . IOTWReport is now totally unreadable on a tablet because of ads which cover the screen and won’t go away.

  2. Trump is the equivalent of George McGovern, he’s going to get his ass kicked by the democrat equivalent of Richard Nixon, a lying s.o.b. crook.
    Cruz is our best hope and you know it. When did you people go sour on the Tea party ??

  3. Ok. Time to go over this One More Time. In order for a republican to win the election, the candidate must be able to attract a certain number of democrats to cross-over. That is the reality. Trump is capable of doing that. Ted Cruz is not. It does not matter how conservative he is, or who is the favorite of the tea party

  4. Tony, Trump would have to capture 1/4 of the Democrats to do that, and he has higher negatives than Hillary.
    A Republican can win.
    Trump is splitting our vote towards Hillary, but Bernie is splitting their vote towards us.
    If we put a Republican out front, we have a good chance.

  5. After calling Cruz a liar for the last six months there is no way on earth Cruz would join the ticket. That was a dumb ass strategic move on Trumps part. I think Kasich will swallow his pride to go for the VP slot. Republicans will not line up behind Trump but the Democrats will goose step right behind Hillary. Don’t kid yourselves. The Democrats will make everyone an offer they can’t refuse. There will be no hope after a few Supreme court justices kick off and Hillary replaces them. All you, I will never vote for Trump and I will never vote for Cruz folks say goodbye to your country. The Republican party once again proves itself to be the party of stupid.

  6. “The Texas senator didn’t shy away from discussing North Carolina’s House Bill 2 that was signed into law last month,…”

    Just what we need, a presidential hopeful shoving his snout into internal affairs of a sovereign state.

    Go ahead Ted, fuck up some more.

    Or would you just rather get rid of all those state flags. Being ’em to heel, so to speak.

    Let ’em know who is really running the show.

  7. Mr. Mxyzptlk, I use different browsers for work and I accidentally used Firefox instead of Chrome to visit this site.

    It was like lambs to the slaughter regarding ads and pop-ups.

    I am well aware that iotw is in the business but if it is unusable…it is unusable.

  8. Joe-seis,
    I was hoping for Scott Walker at some point to be a VP.

    If Trump and Cruz joined together and hosted a Saturday Night Live episode it would heal the conservative base and all would be right with the world.

    We here at iotw would join hands and sing kumbaya. 🙂

  9. Sorry Brad but the left would love a Gingrich as VP meme.

    It would be better if Trump chose a modern VP.
    I don’t dislike Gingrich but he has as much baggage as anybody.

    I can just see the ads of Newt and Pelosi cozied up together on a couch on the beach proclaiming how man-made global warming was dooming the planet and all coal companies need to be shuttered.

  10. Calling corrupTed a liar was not a strategy. It was the truth. I think it’s hilarious that he runs around telling everyone he won’t be veep, especially because Trump hasn’t floated his name.

  11. Ohio Dan, I disagree Cruz admits its all part of the game….

    -T. CRUZ: It’s a campaign. He was trying to beat me; I was trying to beat him. That’s what happens in a campaign. I can tell you, I consider Marco a friend. He’s someone…

    Alls fair in politcs

  12. As I mentioned previously, EACH of them is more interested in his own personal aggrandizement than in the future of America.

    A Trump/Cruz ticket would be an incredible juggernaut – a force with which to be reckoned, so to speak.

    Alas, for the hubris of these men.

    izlamo delenda est …

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