Curt Schilling Interview With Breitbart – IOTW Report

Curt Schilling Interview With Breitbart

fired from ESPN for this—>trans

Andrea Shea King says this is an amazing interview

9 Comments on Curt Schilling Interview With Breitbart

  1. dapenguin,

    Donald said it was OK for the mentally ill, the predators, the rapist, the thief, the serial killer, the curious, the worst of the worst to use the bathroom, locker room, dressing room they felt most comfortable with.

    I am not making this up.

  2. Zonga, he said more than that.
    Trump wants them to have legal protection when they do these things.
    He also wants abortion rights put in the Republican platform, and he wants single player healthcare, and amnesty for illegals here in the US along with others that sneak in later.
    He does, however, have bigger hands than Hillary.

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