Dear Mr. Ferrell – IOTW Report

Dear Mr. Ferrell

Dear Mr. Will Ferrell,

I saw the news bulletin — as did everyone — that you intend to portray my father in the throes of Alzheimer’s for a comedy that you are also producing. Perhaps you have managed to retain some ignorance about Alzheimer’s and other versions of dementia. Perhaps if you knew more, you would not find the subject humorous.

Alzheimer’s doesn’t care if you are President of the United States or a dockworker. It steals what is most precious to a human being — memories, connections, the familiar landmarks of a lifetime that we all come to rely on to hold our place secure in this world and keep us linked to those we have come to know and love. I watched as fear invaded my father’s eyes — this man who was never afraid of anything. I heard his voice tremble as he stood in the living room and said, “I don’t know where I am.” I watched helplessly as he reached for memories, for words, that were suddenly out of reach and moving farther away. For ten long years he drifted — past the memories that marked his life, past all that was familiar…and mercifully, finally past the fear.

There was laughter in those years, but there was never humor.

Alzheimer’s is the ultimate pirate, pillaging a person’s life and leaving an empty landscape behind. It sweeps up entire families, forcing everyone to claw their way through overwhelming grief, confusion, helplessness, and anger. Perhaps for your comedy you would like to visit some dementia facilities. I have — I didn’t find anything comedic there, and my hope would be that if you’re a decent human being, you wouldn’t either.

Twice a week I run a support group called Beyond Alzheimer’s for caregivers and family members of those with Alzheimer’s and dementia. I look into haunted eyes that remind me of my own when my father was ill. I listen to stories of helplessness and loss and am continually moved by the bravery of those who wake up every morning not knowing who their loved one will be that day, or what will be lost. The only certainty with Alzheimer’s is that more will be lost and the disease will always win in the end.

Perhaps you would like to explain to them how this disease is suitable material for a comedy. – Patti Davis Reagan

33 Comments on Dear Mr. Ferrell

  1. Agreed. His movies aren’t funny. His antics aren’t funny. He’s simply annoying.

    I wonder what other life-shattering, family-destroying illnesses he could make fun of?

    How about a comedy about two gays slowing wasting away from AIDS?

    No wait – a woman in her 30’s with metastatic breast cancer slowing eating her brain while her husband and three young children watch?

    No, wait, I got an awesome one here – a guy gets into a car wreck which kills his wife. Then he’s so wracked with guilt over it that he commits suicide…in front of his children, who are now orphans!!

    HA HA HA HA HA, man, this is some great stuff.

    I got a million of these, Mr. Ferrell. Give me a call. We’ll do lunch.

  2. I posted this story on my FB page. I usually avoid obviously political things but this really ticked me off. Never would this movie be made if Reagan was a liberal icon.

    A raging lib I know, her mother suffers from Alzhiemers, and I think it was important for her to read what her “side” thinks is funny.

  3. I saw this on the local news and they said Will Farrell has been asked for comment but has yet to respond.

    Gee. Will must be hunkered down trying to figure out damage control.

  4. Will Ferrell will say that the movie will include a PSA about Alzheimer’s and X amount of box office dollars will go to Alzheimer’s research-thus turning him from a bad guy to your lofo’s atypical generous A-lister with such a good heart. Never mind that Reagan bit at all.

  5. You could’ve knocked me over with a feather when I saw that Patti Davis Reagan wrote this! (Until the end I was certain it was from Michael R.)

    It was profoundly thoughtful and touching and it revealed that she did love the man that many of us only knew (and respected) from afar.

    I will never forget Mrs Nancy’s regret that in retirement she could not share all the great memories of their significant life with him, due to this illness.

    May Ronald Reagan’s memory be eternal.

  6. Progressive Commies are relentless. I remember when they teased and taunted about Reagan before he was elected and while he was President. It simply doesn’t matter how good someone is if it files in the face of their agenda. Here we are decades after his two terms as unquestionably the finest President we’ve had in modern times and these assholes are trying to change history. Proof positive that you can’t trust anything they say, especially when it’s said by their Hollywood Butt-boys!

  7. I lost my father to Alzheimer’s in October 2015. My father left us long before he passed away. I felt that if he was just dead I could grieve and it would be over, Instead I watched as my father slowly–over the course of a year–faded away.

    There were days I felt guilty because I did not want to see my dad. I did not want to see him in his state of confusion and despair. Not knowing his wife of 62 years. Not knowing his children. All those memories lost to this disease. I miss my dad even before he passed away.

    Mr. Farrell is an asshole. A tepid excuse for an actor and human being. He is a passing fart on the timeline of human existence.

  8. We’re watching a dear friend taking his first steps down this dark, miserable road. It is not funny….

    Willy Feral is and has always been a mean, unfunny, Lib-dork goof with the comedic skills of a 5 year old. He’s never made a nickel off me.

  9. I think we should let Mr. Ferrell make this movie, then watch in satisfaction as it tanks at the box office, losing millions for him and anyone else who put money into it, not to mention the effect it will have on his reputation as a funnyman.

    This country will be so awash in our Schadenfreude that we’ll be able to export it around the world for decades to come…


  10. Mr Feral may (just barely, may) have been adequate in the short skits for SNL. But when he attempted to move to the longer format, the Big Screen, well, Will, the talent, what little you have, just won’t stretch that far.

  11. (Oops. Posted before completing my thought.)
    I know there are several other SNL alumni who fit that description. Some have been intelligent to NOT try for the Big Screen. Others, well, not so smart.

  12. So Will Ferrell is joining Bill O’Reilly and others to continue the assault on Reagan’s legacy. Only problem is that even if this nonsense were true, which I HIGHLY doubt, a senile Reagan was 10x the president than Obama, Bush, Clinton Etc.

  13. Typical Lefty humor. What about a movie about a lesbian Secretary of State who has to deal with her husband’s serial philandering while she sleeps through those pesky three A.M. telephone calls trying to alert her to a terrible anti-Muslim vidio that is going to be used as an excuse for the death of four Americans in a country she has destroyed? What about a movie dealing with a highly placed female aid to a lesbian Secretary of State whose husband sends pictures of his penis to complete strangers, and then tries to blame it on Republicans? There really is a lot more humor to exploit on the Liberal side of the fence than the Conservative side, but Hollywood never dares to exploit the obvious.

  14. Farrell is a piece of crap and always has been. If you look at all the characters he’s played they’ve all just been slight variations on the same one. He’s a declining one-trip pony whose never had to work for a thing in his life and rich enough he can play at his left wing masturbatory fantasies about how bad conservatives are. He took a cheap shot at Bush on Broadway and then through an HBO special. The thing that bothered me most about that wasn’t the show’s per say, it was him saying that if he had the chance to meet and shake hands with the President he’d turn it down.

    In this instance I’d say let him make this movie. Give them a huge budget and all the Hollywood leftist stars they want. What they don’t seem to remember is that Reagan was respected by large segments of the Democrat population (remember Reagan Democrats?) as well as conservatives everywhere. The young snowflake SJW’s of today who don’t remember Reagan also don’t know or care for Farrell so they won’t be buying tickets. There is a decent chance that this movie could lose hundreds of millions of dollars and deal Farrell yet another blow to his waning career.

  15. I understand what W/F is trying to do from an “artistic” point of view. He is shooting for a Fish-out-of-water who is POTUS. There is a gold mine of humor there. What his libtard brain fails to understand is Dementia is not funny. Not funny for LBJ, JFK, Carter, Bush (both of them) and Reagan.

    If he was not a Libtard he would realize that there is a gold mine of material for a POTUS in over his head, not due to a tragedy of health but a tragedy of racists who voted for a person because of his skin color. All of the scandals that Obama claims he found out that day by reading the paper, all the terrorist atrocities and his response is to go golfing, making claims that he was going to heal the world and let us not forget a Noble Peace prize for a guy who uses drones to blow people up- comedy GOLD I tell you.

    I mean a comedian with a talented writer and crew could have a heyday of laughs. W/F has just proved that he is no comedy genius. He is just a political hack who won the comedy lotto by hitting a cow bell.

  16. In hospice we have an argument, which one is worse? Cancer or Alzheimer’s?

    Quite simply, there is no answer. There is only horror. Prolonged, demeaning, dehumanizing horror.

    As the bastard stepchild of Karma and Murphy’s Law, I can assure you Will Ferrell will find out the hard way. Karma is only a bitch if you are, and taking passive aggressive potshots at the departed like this is a bitch move.

  17. Breitbart is now reporting that The Big Stupe has cancelled any involvement with this wretched movie. The Feral Beast might actually have a couple of brain cells to rub together in that oversized skull of his, prompting this sudden change of heart. Probably didn’t want to destroy the mediocre career he has in Hollywood at this point. I lost several family members to Alzheimer’s/senile dementia and it’s brutal, much as others have stated here. So, WF, my suggestion to you is, in spite of your decision . . . . Take an extremely long walk off an extremely short pier!

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