‘Blind’ NY Man Caught in Disability Fraud – IOTW Report

‘Blind’ NY Man Caught in Disability Fraud

ABC: In his application for disability benefits, John Caltabiano claimed he couldn’t drive, cook for himself, exercise at the gym, move around his house or even shave without help.

blind disability fraud catalbiano

The New York man, 49, said he had lost his sight in a workplace accident at a cement company in 2006 and, since then, he bumps into things and hurts himself at home.

“I sit in the dark and listen to TV,” he wrote in his application.

On the date of his disability hearing in Hudson, New York, last fall, Caltabiano had his girlfriend lead him into the building.

But what he didn’t know was just a few days prior, investigators had caught Caltabiano on video appearing to be –

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9 Comments on ‘Blind’ NY Man Caught in Disability Fraud

  1. Most SSI “disability” claims are for “anxiety disorder”. The average new recipient of SSI disability is 28 years old and has paid into Social Security for less than 12-quarters over their lifetime.

    Go to your local Social Security office and you’ll see these apparently able-bodied slugs waiting for their application appointments. Sadly, some 80% are approved.

    Faced with work or starve, that anxiety disorder would probably clear up on its own!

    Cloward-Piven, in action!!!

  2. work finds everyone

    whether defrauding others for money or collecting cans while homeless, it takes work and it’s easier to just get a legitimate job

    there is no free ride

  3. An investigator for SSI must be worked like a rented mule. The government needs to send some of these guys to long stretches in prison and publicize them like the high profile, IRS cases. Same thing with MediCare fraud which is estimated at $90 Billion a year!!

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