Dr. Drew is gravely concerned with Hillary’s health based on the review of her medical records – IOTW Report

Dr. Drew is gravely concerned with Hillary’s health based on the review of her medical records

This is a MUST see, and a MUST share

ht/ tsunami

33 Comments on Dr. Drew is gravely concerned with Hillary’s health based on the review of her medical records

  1. OK the libs that I know like to bash Reagan because of his age and the onset of Alzheimer’s. No doubt they’ll do pretzel twists to rationalize whatever Hillary has and they’ll say it won’t affect her ability to rule,um, govern.

    Besides, Bill is there for the 3am call.

  2. this ‘ill-health’ shit gets any more press … the ‘sudden demise = October surprise’ of Slick Willy gets closer & closer to reality
    … you heard it here first, children …

  3. Maybe she is getting 1950’s era diagnosis and treatment because if it were modern pills/treatment they would clearly uncover just what is wrong with her.

    Regarding Coumadin-it is old school but the new stuff has risks associated with it. If you need your blood to clot in an emergency ASAP you can reverse Coumadin. The new stuff, not till its out of your system.

  4. Too bad Dr. Drew is a quack like Dr. Oz, Dr, Weil and a host of others.

    Regarding Armour Thyroid. For many people it’s better than the synthetic thyroid replacement drugs because it gives T4 and T3 rather than T4 alone. Some bodies can’t convert the T4 dose to the very usable T3 or else have Reverse T3 problems.
    Sure it’s been around for decades and so has aspirin.
    It’s not much different from some Type 1 diabetics who need the decades old animal insulin instead of the ‘fabulous’ human insulin.

  5. What’s Dr. Drew trying to do? Help Barry get a third term or Crazy Uncle Joe his first. Komrade Kaine would be gitty as a school girl if he could replace Hellary.

  6. Did he actually say that whatever injury or illness hasn’t affected her cognitive abilities or something to that effect? Are you kidding? He lost all credibility with that statement. Has he not seen her erratic behavior and obvious diminished mental state!

  7. I hope she feels lousy, I mean really really sick and awful all the time. I hope she is miserable–the kind of sick where all she wants is to crawl under the covers for a few days kind of sick. I hope she feels horrible and pained and dizzy and nauseous and ill. I really hope she feels like shit 24/7.

  8. Drew is a conservative. I wonder what backlash he will receive, but I doubt he cares. He seems like a man of integrity to me.

    Soros puppet Clinton is short circuiting way too soon, poor George.

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