EMOTIONAL TRUMP ENDORSEMENT From Former FBI Asst Director: “Our country is going down the tubes” [Video] – IOTW Report

EMOTIONAL TRUMP ENDORSEMENT From Former FBI Asst Director: “Our country is going down the tubes” [Video]

EMOTIONAL TRUMP ENDORSEMENT From Former FBI Asst Director: “Our country is going down the tubes” [Video]

3 Comments on EMOTIONAL TRUMP ENDORSEMENT From Former FBI Asst Director: “Our country is going down the tubes” [Video]

  1. If that’s his impression of the clintoons, why then did he facilitate the lies foisted on the American public when he was the “face” of the FBI’s investigation into TWA 800? When did he see them for what they are or did he just go along to get along to safeguard his pension?
    Don’t take my word for it–read Jack Cashill’s book on Flight 800 that came out in July and see for yourself.
    If we’re down the tubes, it can be said that this journey down them started in the ’90s with Bubba and his wife Bruno–and Kallstrom was a willing and loyal participant.
    Comey’s got nothing on Kallstrom when it comes to doing the clintoons’ bidding.

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