Worm Professor David Parry Will Trash Trump and “WhiteTrump Voters” In Front of Students – Won’t Back Up Words Out Of His Indoctrination Bubble – IOTW Report

Worm Professor David Parry Will Trash Trump and “WhiteTrump Voters” In Front of Students – Won’t Back Up Words Out Of His Indoctrination Bubble

40 Comments on Worm Professor David Parry Will Trash Trump and “WhiteTrump Voters” In Front of Students – Won’t Back Up Words Out Of His Indoctrination Bubble

  1. i would expect nothing less from a liberal worm, especially when it’s cornered alone, with out a group of other liberal worms to shout slogans behind it and cause violence…run away, run away little worm, people are tired of your slanderous b.s.! wrangle the worm population and hold them accountable for what they say and do…

  2. Fair play to the students at St. Joes, they don’t seem to like what the idiot said. He’d be better off in Berkeley where they would riot and burn to defend his insanity. Phuck Parry he’s just a coward.

  3. Leftist professors who use the lectern of education to indoctrinate students need to be put in their place. A couple of our kids are in college right now and I have instructed them as follows:

    If a professor is going on a political rant, and it has nothing to do with the class s/he teaches, you may feel free to: a) hand your phone to a friend and ask them to record what the prof is doing, and what you are about to do; b) stand up and suggest to the prof that this rant is consuming a lot of class time, and you’d rather focus on classwork than his/her personal politics; c) if s/he does not cooperate and get to work, announce that you are a full-tuition student, that you pay a lot of money to be there, and that the professor needs to remember his/her role, namely that s/he works for you. Then start chanting, “YOU WORK FOR US! YOU WORK FOR US!” See how many people you can get to join you. Make a scene. Intimidate the bastard. Shout until s/he starts to cry. Last step: post video online for maximum humiliation. Alert parents if follow-up intervention is required to prevent retribution, such as a failing grade. Parents will then contact family lawyer, who will in turn contact university, school president, academic dean and professor.

  4. One word for him: chickenshit pussy.

    OK it’s two words, but that’s what he is. But real brave in his little protected ‘classroom’. Tenured? Maybe his daddy established an Endowment.

  5. BigGun, these Anom posters are most likely repeat posters. WTF? Like I posted on an earlier thread, tomorrow we all post as Bob. Get a fucking name. Honestly, the pain is only momentary.

  6. According to the St Joe Univ website, undergrad tuition is $43,000 . . . misc fees, dorm & meal ticket another $15-20,000. Seems a lot to pay to have your kids indoctrinated against you by that twit. Just think – some institution of higher learning awarded that fool a PhD. . . . . and St Joe’s hired him. I’d demand a refund – as well as a dismissal.

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