Brits Warned To Expect ‘Indiscriminate Attacks on Innocent Civilians’ – IOTW Report

Brits Warned To Expect ‘Indiscriminate Attacks on Innocent Civilians’

BreitbartLondon: Britain’s new terrorism watchdog Max Hill has expressed “enormous concern” about returning jihadis, warning that Islamic terrorists have UK cities in their sights for future attacks.

Mr Hill, who was unveiled last week as the new independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, told the Sunday Telegraph that there was an “enormous ongoing risk which none of us can ignore”.

One of Britain’s leading prosecutors, he said the risk of terror in Britain is at its highest since the 1970s. He cautioned that “it would be wrong to draw a simple comparison between Irish republicanism and the ideology of so-called Islamic State.

“But in terms of the threat that’s represented, I think the intensity and the potential frequency of serious plot planning – with a view to indiscriminate attacks on innocent civilians of whatever race or colour in metropolitan areas – represents an enormous on-going risk that none of us can ignore.” read more

9 Comments on Brits Warned To Expect ‘Indiscriminate Attacks on Innocent Civilians’

  1. Keep Calm and Carry a Sponge…

    “We can absorb a terrorist attack. We’ll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever …we absorbed it and we are stronger.”–BHO

  2. rather than treat this as the cultural scourge that it is, the leftists continue to up the ante on risk to our loved ones

    they (including here) have now defined a level of “acceptable loss”, and will treat attacks as if by individual fanatics

    then, they lump all other violence in the country as if committed by christians, and claim that islam is therefore of lesser threat than christianity

    we need to take our country back before it’s too late, thank god we have a fearless and tireless president, who is moving quickly and is turning a deaf ear to this absolute madness

  3. I have a co-worker who is taking his family to London and Paris sometime in the early summer. They are all deeply committed liberals, but I still don’t want anything bad to happen to them. Maybe just a big scare to cause them to think about what is coming here.

  4. We prosecute,fine and sometimes even jail executives who use shoddy materials or construction methods which kill innocents. We fired the Dems, finally. Now it is time for the rest of the world to wake up and realize that there are NO “acceptable losses” when it comes to citizens safety.

  5. if you smack a bee hive you are going to get stung-
    If you let in muslims to your country you are going to get stung.
    I don’t care about Mexicans so much, but I do worry about muslims. Lock and load-stand your ground and watch your back-front and side.

  6. In December of 1975 I was in London with a service buddy of mine. We were near Parliament when a bunch of cops came running by and herded us down the street. An IRA bomb threat had been called in just up the street. In 1994 I went to London on vacation and the night we arrived in London four IRA bombs went off in the capital. I was last in London in 2011 and the place was filthy with Muslims. I’m not going back!

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