It was all fun and games until the 20 year sentence – IOTW Report

It was all fun and games until the 20 year sentence

A man has received a 20 year sentence, and his companion received 15 years, after riding around town in a truck waving loaded guns saying they were going to “shoot nißßers.” They stopped at a family birthday party for an 8 year-old and put on quite a display of “superiority.”

The truck had a confederate flag on it (they were part of a group called Respect the Flag, a collection of morons who are the exact reason why the confederate flag has been successfully attacked by the left) and this happened one month after Dylan Roof’s murders.

Here are the geniuses —>

It makes it difficult to defend the confederate flag when you have “ambassadors” like these people informing the public that shooting ni∂∂ers is part of the flag’s defense.

Have fun in jail. It’s not like there are lots of blacks in there, or anything.


(By the way, what is your opinion on the sentencing?)

42 Comments on It was all fun and games until the 20 year sentence


    BUT, 15 AND 20-YR SENTENCES???



  2. Hell yes, Idiots. And 15 and 20 year sentences are good in my book. They were running around with loaded weapons, and terrorized a black family at a kids birthday party. I have no love or even liking for blacks, but what they did was way over the line.

  3. They dan’t hurt nobody, just made a little noise, first aminnmant n stuff like that. Or throw the book at them if it means I do not have to hear the vile rap crap blasting from some cars disturbing my peace and quite.

  4. No mention of any other arrests or charges? There obviously were more than two people in the caravan. How/why did they single out these two people for charges and none others?

  5. there is a guy that got life In jail for putting bacon on the door of a muslim building so it doesn’t surprise me about this sentence–but it is way over board even if what they did was STUPID…..

  6. ni∂∂ers call each other ni∂∂ers and they even call whitey ni∂∂ers, yet no crime is ever committed. That’s because they know ni∂∂er is an attitude, not a skin color. Except for when there might be a benefit cause, then it’s a race issue.

  7. Sentence does not fit the crime. Absolutely ridiculous and this judge needs to be removed. Let’s see his record on illegal rapists, murderers and minorities. If you think this is justice there is something wrong with you. This is anti-white bigotry plain and simple.

  8. Plenty of comparative disparities in the sentence can be made. Everyday seems there’s a thug that gets away with murder. They’re dumbasses AND the sentences are too harsh.

  9. Was that accelerated hate crime sentencing?! There are probably much more effective ways to punish these idiots than sticking them in prison for 15-20 years and making them the responsibility of the taxpayers. Some type of restitution to the people affected and/or having to do some hard core community service in the black community for awhile. Even having them walk around wearing a sign that said what they did for the next year would be more effective. Funny how liberals always want violent drug criminals back on the streets but I doubt they’ll care on this front. Guess they should have been smoking joints instead of toting loaded guns.

  10. “After interrupting the party they also terrorized a nearby Walmart and convenience store.”

    That’s actually what got them the harsh sentences.

    You don’t mess around with Wal-Mart in Georgia.


  11. It’s wonderful! Considering #BLM rioter sentences, this lets #BLM’s enemies know where they stand with the American government, as long as the American government stands.

  12. The maximum penalty for threatening death or bodily harm is five years imprisonment. The maximum penalty for uttering threats to damage property or kill or injure animals is two years. [a href=”″>source

    The bulk of this case can not revolve around threatening to shoot someone.

  13. Seems a little harsh. Five years would be enough. They could take black sensitive training
    classes. And when out of jail progressive liberals instead of white trash.

  14. Life is hard, especially so when you’re really fucking stupid. I have to say though, the sentence is pretty harsh given that one of the defendants in the infamous Christian/Newsom carjack/kidnap/torture/rape/murder event in Chattanooga was sentenced to only 18 years. While these assholes terrorized children and deserve some serious time behind bars, 20 years is pretty brutal, especially since he’s going to get his ass beat often in prison. She won’t be much better off, because everyone knows who runs prisons.

  15. The sentence is too lenient. If these were muzzies running around threatening to shoot infidels, we’d be calling for the death penalty. Terrorism is terrorism, no matter who the perpetrators are.

  16. They’re now little moneymakers for the SPLC. Sweet.

    It looks like the sentencing judge is virtue-signalling to the nation, and there’s probably an automatic sentencing review which kicks in at 15 years, at which the sentences will be reduced substantially to much less hoopla.

  17. Disgusting. Little kids don’t need to see their parents afraid for them when assholes with guns terrorize the neighborhood.
    They deserve time.
    Don’t know about 20 years though.
    10 ought to learn ’em

  18. Stupid, stupid act.
    More fodder for gun-grabbers.
    Grandstanding judge.
    A step closer to the race war BLM are touting.

    Meanwhile, what about the jackasses that threatened to kill President Trump??

  19. That anybody bought the false SPLC-coached testimony from the “witnesses” is depressing.

    The only people in this case that belong in prison are the prosecutor, the judge, the “witnesses,” and the SPLC.

  20. “Have fun in jail. It’s not like there are lots of blacks in there, or anything.”

    Only 2 blacks that mean anything and that’s Bubba and Beulah.

  21. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Obviously these idiots didn’t realize the Georgia law connected to gangs applied to them.
    Being stupid has its consequences. The judge is making an example of them so other KKK brainiacs get the message.
    The sentence is harsh. Five years and time off for good behavior and surviving the beatdowns, sexual abuse should be sufficient.

  22. Sooooo … where’s the ACLU and the rest of the “Free-Speech” warriors who protect all the assholes threatening President Trump?

    Did the “Burn this Bitch Down!” dude get 15 – 20 years?
    Did Madonna Ciccone get 15 – 20 for threatening to bomb the White House?

    Fuckin bullshit. BULLSHIT.

    izlamo delenda est …

  23. I just feel sorry for the people who are now stuck paying for their room and board. A half-day backhoe rental and a sack of lime is about I would be willing to shell out for these idiots.

  24. the sentences are too harsh but at the same time these idiots are hateful pieces of shit.

    I’m proud of my Confederate heritage even if my distant relative was a fuckup (he lost the defense of New Orleans). I wear a hat with a Rebel flag stitched on it but it says “Have A Nice Day” underneath the flag. It’s to display my heritage and the slogan is to show it’s not about hate. These fucktards are making it difficult for me and others that are similarly-minded.

    Oh yeah, Dylan Roof is a hateful piece of shit too.

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