Disney Promotes Relationships To Children That Cannot Lead To Having Children – IOTW Report

Disney Promotes Relationships To Children That Cannot Lead To Having Children

It’s time for a bees and the bees talk with the children-

We already told you how babies are born. Now we should talk about when a man puts his penis in another man’s pooper.

Gay sex is fruitless. It doesn’t lead to procreation. When a man and a woman fall in love they can make the decision to create life in their vision, populating the world through heterosexual love, contributing to humanity.

When a man and a man meet, they can make the decision on whether to have a Tabby or a Calico. There are no humans on earth who were created through the act of homosexual love.

If you were born that way, well, sorry about that.

If you’re making a decision to do this, well, sorry about that.

Bottom line, it’s a sorry state of affairs, and I don’t know why the cartoon is presenting this relationship as if it is on par with heterosexuality. It’s not. You’re being lied to.


Disney aired its first gay kissing scene in Monday’s episode of children’s cartoon “Star vs. the Forces of Evil.”

Create your own bees and bees talk in the comments.

ht/ annie

39 Comments on Disney Promotes Relationships To Children That Cannot Lead To Having Children

  1. I wonder how this play in Tehran?

    But we’re the bad guys if we find this behavior abnormal. The Left and especially the Hollywood Left have an agenda that does not have the our best interests in mind. It’s gotten so I don’t watch much T V or go to any new movies.

  2. I think Walt is spinning at about 5000 RPM in his nitrogen tank under Magic Mountain. Seriously, the Disney family must be appalled with what’s become of Walt’s empire and not just about this latest little hat tip to the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ community.

  3. Disney isn’t the first to promote this unhealthy lifestyle. All the way back in 1979 I seem to recall Led Zeppelin releasing an album called “In Through the Out Door”. To what else could they possibly be referring but LGBTQRSLS/MFT?

  4. Walt Disney never tolerated bad art. I don’t know what his feelings were about fudgepackery, but the lack of artistic talent would have gotten that illustrator a pink slip.

  5. If the Conservative parents would withdraw their dollars from these entertainment markets by not going to movies, or allowing the little ones to watch such TV shows they can put a lid on this crap.
    The demographics are the same, conservatives outnumber liberals. We just need to focus our buying and not buying power to force market change.

  6. Oh, c’mon!
    Disney has been the chief source of soft kid-porn for decades!
    Now they’re expanding to enlisting the l’il boys into the ranks of NAMBLA and it’s subsidiary, the Boy Scouts.

    Shouldn’t be a surprise …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. It’s high time Disney recognized and represented us. We are made up of 90% of the population, so now it’s time for all tv shows to have us. And to have positive role models for the LGBTQ youth of America. BTW it’s a proven fact that people who hate gays are gay themselves. From the comments, there are a lot of gays who frequent this site.

  8. I remember how much of a big deal they made of hiring Elton John to do the music for “The Lion King,” about how ground-breaking it was for Disney to hire somebody like Elton John, without explicitly identifying why it was ground-breaking (that Elton John was a homosexual).

  9. If we are to understand mankind’s psyche, decipher the baffling human obsession with violence against our Neighbor, and break the unconscious masochistic battle within the soul of all peoples . . . Oh, sorry. I lost my train of thought.

  10. @Radioationman, The 33rd degree in Masonry is an honorary degree bestowed on Master Masons for their exemplary achievements and is Masonry’s highest honor. While I’m only a 32 degeee Mason, I can assure you that the promotion of homosexuality can be found nowhere in Masonry. Also, most of the prinipals espoused in Masonry come from the Old Testament and have nothing to do with the “occult”. While Masonry does incorporate ancient symbols and parables, it is not a religion. About 80 percent of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Masons, and many of our rights recognized in the Constitution come directly from Masonic principles. I don’t know much about Walt’s interest in the occult, but his 33rd degree is an impressive honor rather than a mark of infamy. Much of the history of Masonry’s influence in the founding of our nation was expunged from text books during the anti-Masonic movement in the 1830’s. The information is out there in various history books, but it is unlikely that you were taught anything about it while you were in school. I wasn’t. Just thought I would clarify… no snub intended!

  11. the last time I went to Disneyland was when you bought a book of tickets–rides to a-b-c- whatever and it was cheap. Now I see that it costs $100 for one adult-and $100 for a child–there a bouts. haven’t been in over 40 years-this post makes me sick- Disney has lost it……

  12. I’m through with anything from Disney including ABC TV and radio, ESPN etc. They have killed Marvel Comics as well. And what they did to John Carter Of Mars, The Lone Ranger and Tarzan (as well as Star Wars, but I haven’t seen any new Star Wars movies since the 1st three) is disgusting. They suck bad!

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