Tapper Tries But Can’t Help Pelosi Look Sane – IOTW Report

Tapper Tries But Can’t Help Pelosi Look Sane

12 Comments on Tapper Tries But Can’t Help Pelosi Look Sane

  1. She barely three feet tall?

    As a practicing Catholic who follows the teachings of Christ “so deeply,” she needs to forgive Trump for saying those things about starf*€#ers when he was a registered democrat.

  2. She’s only following the Democrat version of Ronald Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment, which reads: “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican”.

    i.e., she’s dumb, but not stupid.

  3. Nancy: “In the Oval Office we were always, always with decorum in the White House”
    Ha ha ha. There’s a blue dress that suggests otherwise there, Nancy.

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