Hey Man, Nice Shot – IOTW Report

Hey Man, Nice Shot

Trump supporter nails dirtbag in his goofy noggin-

28 Comments on Hey Man, Nice Shot

  1. I would strongly suggest that anyone who is not obviously a young, healthy individual pick up a hog cane. Seasoned hardwood, 1 inch diameter. Should be less than $15. Get a rubber tip for the end to make it “look good.”
    Carry it with you in any situation where CCW might be an issue, or carry it in addition to your CCW.

  2. I love how after he is whacked on the head and is reeling in pain another guy steps up and pepper sprays him.
    Hope it hurt and burned his eyes real good.

  3. Every damned one of those mask-wearing fucktards needs a beating, nursed back to health and beat again… repaet as needed. This is getting out of hand and if something isn’t done about it, it is going to be a whole lot uglier than some right-minded citizen cracking somebody’s skull with a closet rod.
    It’s time to shut these ANTI-FA-gs down or suffer the consequences of letting them run loose like the vermin they are. If the grubbermint won’t/can’t do it it is going to turn to vigilante justice and people are going to die. Call your congress-critter and bitch up a storm.

  4. Mr Pinko….I guffawed at that !!!! Great pic and tag line

    Based Stick Man Instant CULT HERO – WHO is he? And What did he do?

    “Out of the darkness of yesterday’s violent clashes between Trump supporters and Antifa rioters comes an image of hope in the form of #BasedStickman – a commie-crushing superhero with a stick and Texas flag.”

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