Rachel Rivera Opens Donald Capone’s Vault – IOTW Report

Rachel Rivera Opens Donald Capone’s Vault

What a giant, big, fat flatline after a breathless build-up by Rachel Maddow. She said she had a MAJOR SCOOP to reveal on tonight’s Rachel Madcow Show. She was going to blow the lid off of Trump because she had his tax returns… for one year… long ago…

It turns out Donald Trump is rich. Yawn.


The big reveal, which Maddow did not get to until after a lengthy monologue and commercial break, showed that in 2005 Trump paid $38 million in federal income taxes on a reported income of $150 million.

That information was based on two pages of an IRS 1040 form supplied to journalist David Cay Johnston, who was a guest on Maddow’s show.

By the time Maddow got around to sharing that information, it had already been supplied by the White House and published on The Daily Beast, where Johnston is a columnist. Even so, the documents left the public with more questions than answers.

The decision to hype the scoop — Maddow first tweeted her all-caps “BREAKING” alert at 7:36 p.m. ET — disappointed many journalists, who felt that Maddow had undermined legitimate inquiry into Trump’s tax returns.

It also disappointed Democrats, including Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign press secretary Brian Fallon.

Before Maddow’s broadcast, Fallon retweeted the breaking news alert and called it “the holy grail.” After Maddow showed her hand, Fallon wrote: “Dems should return focus to Trumpcare tomorrow & the millions it will leave uninsured, not get distracted by two pages from ’05 tax return.”

Even CNBC took a dig at its sister network, with a headline that read: “Donald Trump just got a nice victory, thanks, of all people, to Rachel Maddow.”


Swing and a miss, Ricky.

24 Comments on Rachel Rivera Opens Donald Capone’s Vault

  1. I may be wrong but I thought that sometime last week Cay Johnston solicited on twitter Trump’s tax returns from anyone. I’m not sure but I thought there was some chatter about it. Of course, there will be an investigation.

  2. msNBC Katy Tur is looking mighty haggard, her girlish vocal fry is getting more pronounced and the stumbling, bumbling teleprompter reading is noticeable. Wonder what the deal is? Megyn Marie what what???

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