Professor Areej Zufari of Rollins College (Florida) stated in her Middle Eastern Humanities class that “Jesus wasn’t crucified and that his disciples did not think he was God.” A student in the class challenged the assertion on the historical record alone and not only received a failing grade on a paper on the topic but was then suspend when he sought an explanation from the professor for his grade.
Separate from the Bible, there are collaborating accounts of Jesus, his crucifixion and his followers belief in him as the son of God.
Of course a fukinmuzzie would be an authority on Christianity!
Yet the murdering, pervert, pedophile, false prophet mohammad is to be revered. And you will receive an “A” and still be attending classes.
Switch Schools quickly.
That a professor as unhinged as this one seems to be is allowed a platform and paid to indoctrinate boggles the mind.
I accept that statement just as well as that prof would accept my statement that mojamed was a serial child abuser who sucked up to his relatives to then stab them in the back.
I’d be willing to bet the prof is a Holocaust denier, too.
Ask yourself this….Would you die for a lie?
The apostles( except for John) were brutally tortured and achieved martyrdom because of their faith that Jesus Christ was and is the Son of God. They and other disciples were first-hand witnesses to that fact and could have easily denied it if it weren’t true and possibly escaped death. They knew who He was and so do I.
Why would anybody take a Middle Eastern humanities class? The name itself is an oxymoron.
The time for another crusade is overdue
We’ve officially entered the bread and circuses phase of man. The construct isn’t holding up to scrutiny like it used to. Alas, poor Christian America, I knew him well Horatio. A people of infinite vision, reduced by its very freedom, to not give a hoot about what made it great. Vaya con dios.
An F in her class equals an A in the normal world
It would seem that one year at this college costs $61,000. This includes the full years class tuition and a dorm room and board. Since they add in teaching anti Christian classes by a muslim extremist and the coddling of future terror bombers it sounds like a bargain. I wonder what would happen if a teacher taught that Mohammed was a murdering child molester and probable homosexual who invented “Allah” because he was pissed that nobody would accept him as a religious leader as well as the fact that Islam is not a religion but rather a [political movement whose ultimate goal is complete world domination under a supreme dictator (caliph). Probably nothing good for the poor teacher who simply spoke the provable truth.
I’m with Bad Brad. Why would a Christian even take that class? Just to make a statement? BIG waste of tuition. There are way, way too many useless classes in colleges and universities today. Stick with math, science and lit (i’d include history except they’ve f—ed that up) and pass up all the worth nothing slime of the lefties that they pass off as learning.
Look at where, and who. @Bad_Brad March 28, 2017 at 3:20 pm is definitely pointing at the obvious.
This is a rabid dog jumping on an Ebola infected, poop flinging monkey, at a Chelsea! for Office! rally. There’s nothing wrong with rooting for your favorite animal. But there’s also nothing wrong with hoping that in killing each other, they set off a propane tank that just happens to ignite an underground methane pocket, and launch the whole venue into low orbit.
The school let this kid down. If his parents are paying for his education, tell or ask them that you want to transfer to a new collage. With the cost of schools I would think that the school would try to keep him if he and his parents stopped paying tuition and found a better place. He shouldn’t have been in that class in the first place seeing he is a Christian and the teacher a muzzie– was he going to stand his ground no matter what because of his faith? well he got kicked out and maybe the Lord will take that into consideration and help him find a new school—- I don’t know, I try not to put myself in harms way if possible. Best thing is not to deal with muzzies in any part of life..
This “prof/trough” is not educating, he is indoctrinating.
And we have a muslim teaching in America? Why?
One day it will be all too clear what is what. And it will be too late for those who want to push lies and deny the truth.
I wanna know if shit like this is mandatory curriculum!
If it is then it’s a much bigger problem with the college!
hah, stupid adjunct prof. wait, WTF, did she get married to a stupid swede.
woh, wait a minute here bub, is that Mr Rogers and he’s an alumni from this dump. man, there’s a whole list of notables from this cesspool.
they just didn’t know it would turn out to be this bad. you cant blame them.
Adjunct: a thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part.
Kind of like a goat is to a wife. Ya know. yep Keith is a looser.
Poor buddy epsen, I’m sure if’n he was still around he be a loadin up the mossberg and settin out for a huntin trip on these uns.
Those wonderful colleges….