BLM Tries to Shut Down Heather Mac Donald College Appearance – IOTW Report

BLM Tries to Shut Down Heather Mac Donald College Appearance

Author of the book “War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe,” Heather Mac Donald was to speak at Claremont McKenna last week but her appearance was cut short by Black Lives Matter protestors. Since Campus police were held back “over safety concerns for the students, faculty and guests.” they instead live streamed Mac Donald to the auditorium for a small audience that managed to attend.


The college president, Hiram E. Chodosh has stated his intention to punish students involved with the protest which could mean “temporary or permanent separation from the college.”  While appearing to be serious,  it would seem difficult to enforce such punishment on those protestors who aren’t even students at the school.


Apparently some contingents of the BLM movement haven’t been told they aren’t needed anymore now that the election is over.

12 Comments on BLM Tries to Shut Down Heather Mac Donald College Appearance

  1. “Apparently some contingents of the BLM movement haven’t been told they aren’t needed anymore now that the election is over.”

    They’re still collecting a paycheck from George Soros.

  2. Hey Voltaire, no offense intended but I would challenge you or anyone else to show me someone that would defend, to their own death, the right of somebody to free speech. It drives me nuts to see some middle aged hippie with a man bun spouting off about defending somebody else’s rights. It sounds empty to me.

  3. If I don’t like or am offended by what you say- I sure as heck won’t defend you or your right to say it. Speak softly when around me because I carry a big stick… Also, this college is only a 5 min drive from me. Used to be a cool place back in my day- They had a place called “the jungle” where we would hang out-drink and party. It all used to be around here nothing but lemon groves and brush. good days. 🙂

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