Trump’s Hebrew translator says she was happier working for Obama – IOTW Report

Trump’s Hebrew translator says she was happier working for Obama

Israeli-born, Bay area teacher Merav Rozenblum, who has done work for several US presidents, says she’s ‘not very proud’ of most recent job.

Ya, she’d rather have the eloquent skinny guy using soaring language that undermines Israel.

Does the dowdy, lesbian-looking, self-loathing progressive Jew think Trump is an enemy to Israel?


Rozenblum, who moved to the United States from Israel in 2001 and has been working at the San Francisco high school for nine years, said her job is to exactly translate the president’s words from English to Hebrew, even if she disagrees with what he’s saying.

“The ethics of my profession require that I repeat whatever was said as precisely as I can without adding anything personal,” she said. “If somebody reads my translation and can read between the lines my criticism, then I have not done my job well.

“Of course, when it comes to my principles, I would feel better translating for a president that did not offend about half of the American people. But when I work, this should not be reflected in anything that I do.”

In the Jerusalem speech at the Israel Museum on May 23, Trump went off script to add a reference to the Manchester bombing. Rozenblum also changed her colleague’s translation of one of Trump’s comments there.

Talking about the American security partnership with Israel, Trump said, “Under my administration you see the difference — big, big beautiful difference.” Her colleague in Washington “made it sound better” in the Hebrew version, Rozenblum said, but she stuck with his original words because “I wanted it to sound as lame as it was [by using] his usual hollow words.”

Rozenblum, who translated Obama’s 2009 “A New Beginning” speech at Cairo University into Hebrew, said the previous administration was well organized and the speeches were more challenging to translate because they were better written and included quotes from the Talmud and the Quran.


You mean Obama quoted the Koran????

You don’t say?

And what does this bint think of the Koran? I bet she thinks it’s marvelous, especially the part where the stones and trees say, “there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”

ht/ meerkat

36 Comments on Trump’s Hebrew translator says she was happier working for Obama

  1. “Of course, when it comes to my principles, I would feel better translating for a president that did not offend about half of the American people.”

    So that means you’ve had 8 years to get used to the feeling?

  2. To state that Trump offends more people than Obama, I think is a long stretch of an assumption. She probably meant Trump offends herself and her friends more. I’m much more pleased with Trump. Never found anything pleasing about the Zero. I think the election results over the last six years, the change in which party gained elected office at all levels of government from small towns to federal level, indicates how many people were offended by Obama, a lot of the citizens. The MSM crowd not so much.

  3. I’m sure DJT can find a legitimate interpreter that isn’t a progressive scumbag. As soon as these pigs identify themselves, they should be removed.

  4. This one possesses a rare kind of dumb. She congratulates herself on her professionalism as she throws her boss under the bus to the press. There is only one place where she could still have a job … drain the swamp !

  5. But professionalism aside, let me tell you in plain english how I really feel.

    Why do people find it necessary to blab their virtuous interpretation of the world? By doing this, she thinks it endears her to the like-minded and superior to those that disagree.

    Ask Bibi if she was “persuaded” to relocate to America, and if he is comfortable with her as translator in the future. I hope Trump fires her post haste.

  6. Oh, and BTW Merav, we didn’t elect you as President of the US, nor were you appointed to any diplomatic position.

    That’s some chutzpah you got there schoolmarm.

  7. I love it, it’s like a perpetual open mic at the 24/7 liberal karaoke bar. These idiots are falling all over themselves to get up on stage to gleefully expose their vial contempt. 🤣 🤙 💩 🤡 ❄️

  8. It was only fair that the bowing, submissive, apologist, lady boy, traitor have a progressive interpreter who betrays her faith, homeland and adopted Nation. obama deserved nothing less.

    It’s time for a true Israeli to interpret the spoken words of the man and Patriot who is our President.

  9. “I would feel better translating for a president that did not offend about half of the American people.”

    And Obama was that guy? I guess it depends on which half is offended.

  10. If she won’t do the right thing and resign then she needs to be fired immediately. The moment she went public she became a liability. Sometime translation is not a science but an art and she could easily be unaware she is putting her bias into the way she is translating. She’s gotta go and now.

  11. @scr_north….she could easily be unaware she is putting her bias into the way she is translating.
    Uh, no, according to her quote, her hopes are that people read between the lines to draw her biased opinion. But just in case, she felt the need to make it clear in the TOI article.

  12. Another Leftist Termite “reveals” herself.

    I’m sure she’s fired now. There are tons of other Hebrew translators. It’s not a rare language.

    She would have signed a confidentiality agreement as well as a security clearance. She’s violated both.

    What is it with these self-loathing Jews?
    And they’re always drawn to infest either Law or Education.

  13. Bibi Netanyahu knows plenty of Israeli translators who are loyal and trustworthy American patriots, Mr Trump needs to realize political leftist vipers are loyal to a socialist ideology not a corporate vision to MAGA.
    Leftists in Trump’s administration feel no obligation to him. They are there solely to destroy his preesiidency.

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