Bookmark This Post and Send It To Leftists When You Are in a Debate – IOTW Report

Bookmark This Post and Send It To Leftists When You Are in a Debate

This is the answer to nearly all debates with leftists. You can use it to illustrate how they have become the product of carefully orchestrated narratives by the leftist media.

It illustrates the built-in bias that exists in the information they are fed. It is irrefutable.

It is why Trump is right. It is why Trump is important. No other politician on the right would be fighting this way. It’s why we love him. It’s why we will go the distance with him.

The bubble has been compromised and the left cannot stand it.

ht/ billy fuster

13 Comments on Bookmark This Post and Send It To Leftists When You Are in a Debate

  1. The msm clown car is on a head on collision with a dumpster fire. I love happy endings. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 🤣 🤙 🎪 🤡 🚗 🔥, you’re almost there. Now is the time to accelerate!

  2. Wow! It’s almost as if Klavan is weaning himself off of his long-held, rabid, anti-Trump stand. There’s always hope.

    Like you say, solid, concise arguments presented.

    Larry the L, please get maced by antifa before you get gang raped by “mischievous urban youths” and then beheaded by members of your religion of peace…because…”tolerance”!

  3. There are so many ways to lie and Salinsky was the master of sophisticated lying. It has taken years to identify and unravel the anatomy of his tactics but now that they can be dissected and understood the left has nothing (except raw force) to fall back on.

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