Trump Knocks Out the Goracle AND Barky – IOTW Report

Trump Knocks Out the Goracle AND Barky

New video from Minnesotans FOR Global Warming:

7 Comments on Trump Knocks Out the Goracle AND Barky

  1. πŸ’‘ Liberals could live the way the expect everyone else to live….. πŸ’‘

    -that would be a refreshing start. You do it first, and show us all how it’s done.

    -they could all tax themselves, since they don’t seem to mind high taxes.

    -they could stop being rich socialists as it’s a contradiction.

    -Al Gore can stop living on ocean-front property and then complaining about rising sea levels.

    πŸ’‘πŸ’‘ LOTS of “in-house” bugs to be worked out of the Global Warming beta-testing model before rolling it out for the general public.

    *Al Gore DREAMED of holding his “Best Documentary” award giving a firey anti-Trump speech, and rolling in millions of anti-Trump dollars, then after-parties, then the t.v. circuit victory laps. Nope, his movie is a dud!

  2. wtf? I think the guy singing the Global Warming song is the main actor from Fox’s tv show The Last Man On Earth. I had no idea he was on our side.

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