Something tells me Ima gonna need this – IOTW Report

Something tells me Ima gonna need this

Dog spotted in aftermath of Hurricane Harvey wandering around with his dog food.

Otis was being watched by Salvador Segovia, the grandfather of Otis’s best friend, grandson Carter. Carter bugged out with other family members because of the flooding.

Otis, apparently concerned, fled grandpa’s house in search of his friend. When he left, hand to God, Otis took essentials with him.

This is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.

This is a refugee!


21 Comments on Something tells me Ima gonna need this

  1. Otis can go to Dairy Queen and get a hamburger. He is a good dog. That sounds like the kind of town I could live in. Not only do they know their neighbors, they know their dogs too.

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